Sense Organ IV: The Sense of taste (tongue):

Welcome to class.

The sense organ we use for tasting is the tongue. We have different taste such as sweet, bitter, sour, spicy and salty.

A sweet taste has a taste like sugar, sweet fruit, sweet drink, etc.

A bitter taste is a sharp and biting taste, like black coffee or bitter kola, bitter leaf and some bitter drugs

A sour taste is a sharp but not bitter, salty or sweet taste. Example is Lime

A spicy taste is a hot, seasoned and peppery taste.

A salty taste is a when an object is too salty.

When an object has no taste, we say it is tasteless. E.g Good water

An object is tasty when it has a pleasant taste. Sometimes is said to be tasteless when it has no taste, that is, it is neither sweet nor bitter and it is not also sour.

We should also know that, not everything we eat is healthy. Too much fried food is not good for us. Too many sweets are not good for us. Having good dental hygiene is very important.  We must be careful of what we eat because some things can be harmful.

How we taste things

These are sweet things
Chillis are spicy

Things that are safe to eat and not safe to eat or drink

  • Don’t put any pills in their mouths unless they come from a parent or doctor
  • Don’t drink anything from a bottle when they are not sure what it is (Sometimes people put thinners or petrol in cool drink bottles.)
  • Don’t eat wild berries or flowers unless they know that they are safe to eat
  • Don’t eat food that is old or that smells bad as it could make them sick.
  • Good and ripe fruits are safe to eat
  • Green vegetables, meat is safe to eat


Things you will like to eat

Taste Things you will like to eat

We have come to the end of today’s class. I f you have any questions ask using the comment box. See you in the next class.

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