Statistics II


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In today’s class, we will be talking more about statistics. Enjoy the class!

Statistics II

Statistics |

Cumulative Frequency Curve

The cumulative frequency curve is also called the OGIVE. It is the graph of the cumulative frequency against the upper class boundary.


The table below shows the height of 200 people who were randomly picked.

Heights(cm) 145  -149 150 –  154 155  – 159 160   – 164 165  – 169 170 -174 175 –  179
Frequency            5            18            50              29          80             14           4

Construct for the distribution above, a cumulative frequency curve.


Heights Frequency Cumulative Frequency Upper Class Boundary
145 – 149 5 5 < 149.5
150 – 154 18 23 < 154.5
155 – 159 50 73 < 159.5
160 – 164 29 102 < 164.5
165 – 169 80 182 < 169.5
170 – 174 14 196 < 174.5
175 – 179 4 200 < 179.5


The table shows the masses of various quantities of maize sold by a farmer during the year 1985.

Mass (kg) 40    –    43 44    –    47 48      –   51 52    –    55 56    –     59 60    –    63 64   -67 68   – 71
Frequency           7        18         32        48       41      28      17       19
  • Draw a cumulative frequency table. (b) Using a scale of 2cm to 4 kg on the x-axis and 2cm to 20units on the y-axis, draw the cumulative frequency curve.

Given the frequency distribution below. Draw a histogram and a cumulative frequency curve.

Height (cm) 160     –  164 165  –    169 170   – 174 175  – 179 180   –  184 185   –  189 190   – 194
Frequency           10           25        40          56          44          20          5


In our next class, we will be talking more about Statistics.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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