Democratic Process

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In today’s class, we will be talking about the democratic process. Enjoy the class!’

Democratic Process

Democratic Process

Meaning of voting

Voting means choosing of a candidate into a political office. It is the act of choosing someone in an election. It is a process, which you exercise your duty as a citizen by you voting. Voting is a method for a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, to make a collective, in a democracy, a government is chosen by voting in an election

It is an expression of individual choice for or against someone.

Process of voting

  1. A citizen, who is eligible to vote, goes to his/her polling unit to register.
  2. The citizen would be given a voter’s ID card, which makes him/her eligible to vote during Election Day.
  3. Accreditation is done on election Day after the presentation of a voter’s ID card to ensure one’s name is registered.
  4. During voting, a ballot paper is given listing out political parties.
  5. Enter into a polling booth and select the preferred candidate.
  6. Put your ballot paper in the ballot box.

Importance of voting

  1. It allows citizens to express their opinions about their choice of candidate.
  2. It helps to be more informed about political affairs in one’s nation.
  3. Voting is a form of expressing one’s opinion about how the government should operate.
  4. It gives the right to choose.
  5. It expresses the opinion of the majority of the people.


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