Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria


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In today’s class, we will be talking about manufacturing industries in Nigeria. Enjoy the class!

Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria

Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria |

The manufacturing industry is defined as the industry that is involved in the turning of raw materials into new products by a mechanical or chemical process at home or in the factory.


  1. Most Nigeria industries rely on imported skilled labour from foreign countries.
  2. Most industries also depend on foreign countries for their raw materials.
  3. Industries are concentrated in few locations, especially in urban centres.
  4. Most manufacturing industries are mainly light industries.
  5. They are labour intensive i.e. require large labour.
  6. Their produce is mainly consumed in the local market.
  7. They are largely small scale.


Manufacturing industries can be grouped into 3 namely:

  • Light Industries
  1. They produce relatively lightweight goods such as matches, television sets, electric fans, books, etc.
  2. They employ mainly the services of women.
  3. They produce final or consumable goods.
  • Consumer Goods Industries
  1. They turn raw materials into consumable goods.
  2. They are normally located in cities.
  • Heavy Industries
  1. They produce heavy or bulky goods.
  2. They employ the services of mainly males.

Examples include metallurgical industries, petroleum industries and shipbuilding industries.

Industries can also be classified into primary, secondary and tertiary industries based on their functions.

  • Primary Industries:
  1. They are concerned with the extraction of raw materials provided by nature.
  2. They are also known as extractive industries.

Examples include mining, fishing, lumbering, farming and livestock production.

  • Secondary Industries:
  1. They are concerned with the turning of raw materials into finishing goods.

Examples include construction, building, chemical industries, etc.

  • Tertiary Industries:
  1. They are concerned with the rendering of services.
  2. The service could be direct e.g. trading, banking, teaching, medical, etc
  3. The service could be indirect e.g. police, custom, soldiers, etc
  1. The proximity of the source of raw materials.
  2. Nearness to market.
  3. Nearness to sources of power.
  4. Availability of labour.
  5. Availability of capital.
  6. Adequate transport network.
  7. Government policies.
  8. Political stability.
  1. Large market.
  2. Availability of labour.
  3. Good transport network.
  4. Nearness to seaports and airports.
  5. Availability of finance.
  6. Presence of infrastructure facilities.


This refers to the sitting of industries in a particular area i.e. the concentration of industries in one area.

Advantages of concentration of Industries
  1. It leads to the inter-dependence of industries.
  2. It creates employment opportunities.
  3. It aids mobility of labour.
  4. It leads to the provision of social amenities.
  5. It encourages healthy competition among industries.
  6. It leads to the development of an organized market e.g. cooperative societies.
  7. It leads to the attraction of subsidiary industries in the area.
  8. It leads to inventions and innovations due to competition among industries.
Disadvantages of concentration of Industries
  1. It leads to congestion in traffic, industries and housing.
  2. It can lead to a shortage of amenities.
  3.  It can escalate the crime rate like armed robbery, car snatching, etc.
  4. It can cause environmental pollution due to the presence of many industries.
  5. The area is made the target of attack during wartime.
  6. It encourages rural-urban migration.


  1. What is an industry?
  2. Explain the different types of manufacturing industries in Nigeria.
  3. State the advantages of concentration of industries.



Local craft or cottage industries are those industries that depend mainly on raw materials obtained from their immediate locality. They use simple tools and their work is of high artistic quality. They include:

  1. Leatherworks e.g. sandals, cushions, handbags, etc. They mostly found in Kano, Bida and Sokoto.
  2. Wood carving: This is done in Ikot Ekpene, Uyo, Oyo, Benin city, etc.
  3. Pottery and glass making: These are done in Ikot Ekpene, Bida, Ilorin and Calabar.
  4. Ropes and mat making: These are done in Ikot Ekpene, Warri, and Kano.
  5. Brass and silverwork: These are done in Bida, Benin and Kano.
  6. Textile/cloth weaving: These are done in Akwette, Okene, Kano, and Iseyin.
  1. The western industrial zone: Include Lagos, Ibadan, Sango Ota, Abeokuta, Epe, Apapa, Ewekoro, Oshogbo etc.
  2. South-East industrial zone: This includes Nkalagu, Onitsha, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Aba, Owerri, Calabar, etc.
  3. The North-Central industrial zone: This includes Kano, Kaduna, Jos, Zaria, etc.
  4. The Mid-West industrial zone: This includes Warri, Benin, Sapele, Ughelli, etc.
General Evaluation
  1. Define an industry?
  2. State the types of industry.
  3. Which type of industry engages in the provision of finance for other industries?
  4. Explain the cottage industry.
  5. Explain the classification of manufacturing industries in Nigeria.


In our next class, we will be talking about Commercial Activities in Nigeria. We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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