Community Value II

Welcome to class. In the last class, we discussed community value I.

Need for Community Values

  • They promote democracy: A patriotic citizen will love his or her country and will do everything for the glory of that country. Such citizens will vote, pay their taxes and report criminals to the police.
  • They promote human rights: When citizens imbibe civic values, they know that as they enjoy their rights as citizens of the country, they should also allow others to enjoy their own rights.
  • Community values promote economic development: When citizens imbibe these values, the economic growth of the country will be steady because citizens will be willing to pay their taxes. Payment of taxes is important because it enables the government to have money for the provision of social amenities and even industries. People will secure jobs or employment when government has sufficient money to build industries.
  • They promote peace and harmony: When citizens obey the rules and regulations, the nation will be safe and peaceful


Answer the following questions:

  1. What are community values?
  2. List five of the community values that a good citizen should possess.
  3. Explain the importance of community values in society.

we have come to the end of today’s class. If you have any question ask using the comment. Thank you for following me.

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