Highway Codes III

Welcome to class, I hope you enjoyed the last class. Today we will be talking about highway codes III. Follow me closely and you will understand what we are about to talk about.

Agencies that Enforce Highway Code on our Roads

Many agencies assist in the enforcement of traffic regulations in Nigeria. Some of these agencies are government owned while others are voluntary groups.

These agencies include the following:

  • The Nigeria Police. These are Traffic Police and Traffic Wardens.
  • Road Safety Corps.
  • Vehicle Inspection Officers (V.I.Os.)
  • Mobile courts. They try traffic offenders.
  • Road marshals. These are individuals trained by the Federal Road Safety Corps to enforce traffic regulations in Nigeria.
  • Lagos State Traffic Management Agency (LASTMA)

Problems of traffic on our roads

The following are some of the problems of traffic on our roads:

  • Bad roads: Many of our roads are in very bad conditions. There are potholes everywhere.
  • Corruption: Some officers that are expected to enforce traffic regulations are corrupt. They extort money from traffic offenders, instead of taking them to court for prosecution. This is a major problem in Nigeria. It should be discouraged.
  • Ignorance: Many of the road users do not know the meanings of the Highway Code. Most commercial vehicle drivers can neither read nor write let alone observe road signs. This group of people should therefore be educated on traffic rules and regulations.
  • Negligence: A lot of government officials, who should perform their duties, often do not do so. For instance, Vehicle Inspection Officers, who should impound or seize vehicles that should be off the road, often fail in their responsibility. This is a problem in the country.
  • Bad vehicles: Some vehicles that ply our roads are bad. Many of them are in poor conditions, and are supposed to be parked at home if they are not repaired. The Vehicle Inspection Officers should be alive to their responsibilities. They should ensure that vehicles which are not roadworthy (fit to be on the road) should not be on our roads.
  • Bad weather: Accidents occur frequently on our roads during the rainy season. Poor visibility also occurs at that time and during the harmattan. Care must be taken on the road during these periods.
  • Damaged vehicles parked on the roads: Many damaged vehicles are left on the roads. This causes accidents and traffic jams. Such vehicles should be removed to allow a free flow of traffic.
  • Wrong attitudes: Many of our roads are deliberately broken in order to lay pipes for water. Some roads are filled with sand, gravel and stones removed from gutters, and these litter the roads. There is need for us to change our attitude. Roads should not be broken because pipes are to be laid. The government should ensure that those who do this are punished.

Solutions to traffic problems on our roads

  • Regular maintenance of roads: There should be regular maintenance of all roads to ensure free flow of traffic. When roads are in good condition, vehicles used on them will last longer, and also vehicles will be able to move freely and fast. The government must make it a point of duty to repair or mend roads as soon as the need arises, to make them motorable.
  • Patrol by traffic officers: Traffic control officers should ensure constant patrol of the roads. When road users see that officers in charge of traffic monitor their behaviour on the road, they will check their reckless behaviour.
  • Fines should be imposed on traffic offenders: When mobile courts deliver judgment on traffic offenders, their judgement should be carried out. Fines imposed on traffic offenders should be collected and justice should be done. These should serve as examples or a deterrent to others.
  • Regular vehicle inspection: Vehicles that ply our roads should be inspected regularly. Some of these vehicles are not roadworthy. Such vehicles should not be allowed to be on the roads to avoid accidents.
  • Bad vehicles should be removed from the roads: Immediately vehicles break down, they should be removed from the road, so that they don’t obstruct the free flow of traffic.
  • Hawking should be banned on the highways: The government must make it a policy not to allow hawkers on the roads. Hawkers move in and out of traffic, hindering vehicular movement. Motorists, too, should be discouraged from patronizing these hawkers.



Answer the following question:

  1. Explain the meaning of Highway Code.
  2. Mention five need for Highway Code.
  3. State three need for them.
  4. Give two reasons why we should obey traffic regulations.
  5. List three agencies that enforce traffic regulations.
  6. List five problems of traffic in our roads.
  7. Suggest solutions to the problems of traffic in Nigeria.

we have come to the end of today’s class. If you have any question ask using the comment. Thank you for following me.

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