National Consciousness


Meaning of nation

A nation is a body of people that are united and are willing to live together under the same government. It can also be defined as a group of people with a common identity and an awareness of unity.

The feeling of belonging to one unified group, by a people, is called nationalism or having a sense of nationality. It should be noted, however, that Nigeria is a nation-state. This means that it is made up of many nations which form a state. A nation is different from a state. For example, Yoruba,

Hausa, and Igbo are nations within the Nigerian state.

Characteristics of a nation

For a group of people to think or consider themselves as a nation they must have some of the following characteristics:

  1. Common territory: A nation must be made up of people and it must occupy a physical location on a particular area of the earth. For instance, the Yoruba people occupy a given area in Nigeria called the southwest, although they can also be found in other places. The southwest in Nigeria covers areas such as Lagos, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Kogi and Kwara States.
  2. Common customs and traditions: A nation is made up of people who have similar customs and habits. Customs and traditions refer to the way a group of people live. They include their beliefs, ideas, marriage, and greetings. All the nations of the Nigerian state have common customs and traditions.
  3. Common economy: A nation also comprises people who have a common system of producing goods and services. They have a common way of distributing those things they produce. Their trading system or pattern is the same.
  4. Common language: A nation is a group of people that speak a similar language. Language is the main medium of communication. For example, the Hausa and Igbo each have their different languages which aid understanding among them. Thus, when a Hausa person meets another Hausa person, they speak a common language which unites them and marks them out as members of a nation.
  5. Common or related blood: The people we regard as a nation, in a general sense, are related by blood. They once belonged to the same parents.
  6. Common historical tradition or ancestry: A nation is made up of people who have a common historical tradition. They are a people who share common ancestors or historical origin. For example, Oduduwa is regarded as the father of the Yoruba, and they have Ile-Ife as their place of origin.

Reasons why we should build our nation

The following are some of the reasons why we should build our nation:

  1. For peaceful co-existence: When we build our nation, we will be able to live together in harmony and peace.
  2. For common use of resources: We will be able to use the available resources within the nation for the benefit of all members of the nation.
  3. For respect: Our nation will be respected all over the world if we build it.
  4. For unity against external aggression: When we build our nation, we will become strong and able to fight any external enemy that wants to confront us as a nation.
  5. To benefit from one another: We gain from one another when we build our nation.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the meaning of a nation.
  2. Identify and explain two characteristics of a nation.
  3. Mention three reasons why we should build our nation.


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