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  • Meaning of decision making (1 Kings 12: 1-16)

Decision making is a process which involves thinking, discussing and choosing from different opinions and options which is likely to be successful and fits our goals and desires.

  • Importance of decision making

In life, we make decision every day and almost on every day. Some of the importance of decision making are as follows:

  1. It allows you to set your goals
  2. It allows you to recognize problems ahead before they show up.
  3. It reduces mistakes
  4. It saves time and energy that would have been wasted when a wrong decision is taken.
  5. It helps you to assess your performance
  6. It helps you to make the right decision in choosing the right career
  7. It produces success when the right decision is made
  8. It prevents loss of resources
  9. It shows good or bad leadership skills
  • It helps to recognize the different options available


  • Examples of decision making


We make decisions daily, monthly and yearly. Some of these decisions are major (big) or minor (small) examples of decision making include:

  1. When to read
  2. When to play
  3. When to go to school
  4. What to study at school?
  5. When to pray
  6. When to marry
  7. The number of children to raise
  8. The church to attend
  9. What clothes to wear
  • Whether to buy a pair of shoes or a bag


  1. Decision making makes life easier
  2. It makes life productive
  3. It helps one to set goals
  4. It helps one minimize losses
  5. It saves energy

                QUIZ ACTIVITIES

  1. What is the meaning of decision making?

Answer: Decision making is a process which involves thinking, discussing and choosing from different opinions and options which is likely to be successful and fits our goals and desires.

  1. Mention three importance of decision making

Answer: i. It reduces mistakes

ii It helps you to assess your performance

iii It prevents loss of resources

  1. List five examples of decision making

Answer: i. When to read

  1. When to play

iii. When to go to school

  1. What to study at school
  2. When to pray
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