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  • Relationship within the family e.g. husband and wife, parents and children. (Ephesians 5: 21-23).

The relationship within the family is designed by God to be peaceful and loving. In the family, the husband is expected to love and care for his wife just as Christ love and care for the church. Also, the wife’s duty is to submit and respect her husband in all ways just like the church submits and reverences Christ.

Parents are also expected to love and care for their children, provide for them and protect them. Children are expected to honour and obey their parents in all things so that it will be well with them.


  • Relationship in the church. (Acts 2: 42-46)

Relationship in the church should be that of love, unity and oneness. The church consist of believers and Christ is the head of the church. Members of the church are expected to see themselves as one in Christ. The priest oversees the affairs in the church and is assisted by elders and deacons. Members of the church share things in common like food, clothing and also give to the needy and widows in the church.


  • Relationship in the society.

Relationship in the society should be peaceful. God expects us to live among ourselves peacefully, respecting our differences and tolerating one another. In the society, there are rules and regulations that governs the society and as Christians, we should obey the laws of the land.



  1. The husband is the head of the home
  2. The wife should submit to her husband in every way
  3. Christ is the head of the church
  4. Christians should obey the laws of the land and learn to tolerate one another
  5. It is good to show love to others especially the needy and widows




  1. The relationship between the husband and wife is supposed to be peaceful and loving. True/false

Answer: True

  1. God commands the wife to be rebellious to her husband. True/false

Answer: false

  1. The children are expected to provide for the family. True/false

Answer: false

  1. Members of the church are expected to see themselves as one in Christ. True/false

Answer: true

  1. As Christians, we should live with others in unity. True/false

Answer: true.

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