Importance of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Welcome to class, we will be talking about the importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Just take your time to follow the lesson.

How and why Jesus had to die (Matthew 28:1-8)

The Jews led by the high priest handed over Jesus to be crucified by the Roman soldiers. They did this by wrongly accusing him of breaking the laws. The roman soldiers beat him with their whips with thirty-nine stripes. They also made a crown of thorns and forced it on his head and mocked him by calling him king of the Jews. They made him to carry the heavy cross in his weak state to the place called Golgotha. Along the way, they forced a man called Simon of Cyrene to help him carry the cross. At Golgotha, they nailed him to the cross, removed his cloth and gave him sour wine mixed with gall to drink it. They cast lot among themselves to divide his clothes.

Two robbers were also crucified with him. When he was about to die on the cross, he cried out in a loud voice; “Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani? “which means “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me? “After saying this he cried out again and then gave up the ghost saying ‘father, into your hands I commit my spirit’.

Jesus had to die:

  1. So that man will be delivered from the power of sin
  2. So that man will be delivered from the power of death
  3. So that man will have victory over the power of the devil.

List ways of sacrificial service at home, school, church and the community

  1. By being obedient to parents and elders
  2. By obeying school rules and regulations
  3. By keeping the home, classroom, school environment, church etc. clean
  4. By forgiving others
  5. By giving to those who lack
  6. By praying for those with problems.


  1. How did Jesus die? Crucified on a cross
  2. Name three miracles that happened when Jesus died. Earthquake, darkness, temple curtain tore by itself.
  3. Name one of the things Jesus said while he was on the cross. “It is finished” “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” “Dear woman, here is your son. Here is your mother.” “I thirst.” “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”
  4. What did the sign above Jesus’ cross have written on it? “The King of the Jews”
  5. What day of the week did Jesus die on? Friday
  6. What was put in front of the tomb where Jesus was buried? Huge stone
  7. On what day of the week was Jesus raised from the dead? Sunday
  8. Whom did Jesus first speak to when he had risen? Mary Magdalene


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