Welcome to JSS2 Third Term!
We’ve had a remarkable journey from the First term to this moment. We are going to continue our journey into the world of Christain Religious Studies.
In today’s class, We will be discussing The Mission of the Disciples. Enjoy the class!
THE MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES(Matt 4: 18-22, Lk. 5:1-11)
Fishers of Men
Jesus’ mission on earth was to win souls for God, therefore, fishers of men mean the disciples were to help Jesus in His mission to win souls for God.
The disciples were trained for the work and also sent out during and after Jesus’ ascension to God.
The Mission of the 12 Disciples (Matthew 10:1-15, Mk. 6:7-13, Lk. 9:1-6)
Mission means to be sent out to perform a task. The mission of the disciples helps us to know the degree of preparation which must go into the making of priest and evangelist.
Jesus sent out the 12 disciples with authority over unclean spirits and to heal all infirmities. He also charged or instructed them to go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and not to the Gentiles or the Samaritans.
Jesus instructed His disciples to preach that the kingdom of God is near. They were to preach without asking for money because they also receive the Gospel without paying money. They should take no money, no bags, no tunics, no sandals, and no staff.
Jesus told them that whatever town or house they enter they should find out who is worthy and stay with him. They were to remain in one house, eating whatever is offered to them, for the labourers deserve their wages.
Jesus further told them that any town or house that does not receive them, on getting out they should wipe off the dust
We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
In our next class, we will be talking about The Beatitude. We are eager to meet you there.
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Wow this is
What is beautiful
Shut up you ungraceful bitch
You didn’t give what I wanted
I am rating you 0000000000
Girl, just like the other person said you are on stupid asshole
What of the 70
Something is wrong. Beauty, how did you reply Annie’s message before it was posted, a minute before your first comment.