Valuing Nigerian Goods

Welcome to today’s class!!

We are thrilled to have you in our class!!

In today’s Religious and National Values class, we will be learning about Valuing Nigerian Goods 

Valuing Nigerian Goods

Valuing Nigerian Goods

One of the ways Nigeria can achieve economic prosperity is for Nigerians to identify with Nigerian products; buy them and also make use of local services in Nigeria. 

We must admire and use them because they are made by us. When we value Nigerian made goods, we are proud of ourselves for what we make. 

As patriotic Nigerians, we owe it as our duty to make sure that our nation grows in a positive way and manner by contributing our quota to the growth of the economy.

Here are some reasons why we must value Nigerian goods:

Buying made in Nigeria goods will boost employment generation in the country, as the multiplier effect of patronising local products is the demand of labour. 

Goods made in Nigeria help conserve the nation’s foreign reserve and strengthen the naira against the dollar, thereby making the country financially healthy and self-dependent. 

Made in Nigeria goods helps to add value to the Nigerian economy. It is important to note that major prosperous economies of the world boost their small and medium enterprises as a way to soldify their economy.

Nigeria must follow suit to succeed economically and secure its place as a regional and global economic power. 

Buying made in Nigeria goods will boost the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, which is required to be healthy at all times for smooth and economic progression. 

Valuing Nigerian goods helps to boost domestic production, thereby encouraging technology transfer and also improve Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings if a vibrant policy is put in place.  

In summary, Valuing Nigerian goods can lead to a reduction in the importation of foreign products, saving foreign exchange, national pride, contentment, hard work, better life and employment. It also increases our domestic production.



Identify any five goods that are made in Nigeria 


Reading Assignment

Mention two places you can get Nigerian goods.


Weekend Assignment

Give three importance to why we must value Nigerian goods. 


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about Measures on Personal Security.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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