Welcome to JSS2 Third Term!
We are eager to have you join us in class!!
In today’s Mathematics class, We will be discussing Angles and Polygons. We hope you enjoy the class!
CONTENT: (i) Sum of interior angles of a polygon
(ii) Sum of exterior angles of a polygon
A polygon is any close plane figure with a straight side. A regular polygon has all sides and angles equal.
Polygons are named according to the number of sides they have. Examples are:
Triangle a 3- sided polygon
Quadrilateral a 4- sided polygon
Pentagon a 5- sided polygon
Hexagon a 6- sided polygon
Heptagon a 7- sided polygon
Octagon an 8- sided polygon
Nonagon a 9- sided polygon
Decagon a 10- sided polygon
The diagrams below represent some common polygons.
NGM Book 2
Essential Mathematics for junior secondary school Book 2, chapter 9, pages 87 – 88
Sum of Interior Angles of a Polygon
The angles inside a polygon are called its interior angles as shown in the figure below:
The number of triangles depends on the number of sides of the polygon. For a polygon with ‘n’ sides, there will be (n-2) triangles. The sum of angles of a triangle is 1800.
Alternatively, since 1800 = (n-2) x 2 x 90
= 2(n-2) 90
= (2n-4) 90
Thus, the sum of the angles of an n-sided polygon can be represented as (n-2) 1800 or (2n-4) 900
The table below shows the sum of interior angles of a regular polygon of a 3 sided polygon up to a sided polygon.
Polygon | No. of Sides | No. of Triangles
(n-2) |
Sum of interior Angles (n-2) 1800 |
Triangle | 3 | 3 – 2 = 1 | 1 x 1800 = 180 |
Quadrilateral | 4 | 4 – 2 = 2 | 2 x 1800 = 3600 |
Pentagon | 5 | 5 – 2 = 3 | 3 x 1800 = 5400 |
Hexagon | 6 | 6 – 2 = 4 | 4 x 1800 = 7200 |
Heptagon | 7 | 7 – 2 = 5 | 5 x 1800 = 9000 |
Octagon | 8 | 8 – 2 = 6 | 6 x 1800 = 10800 |
Nonagon | 9 | 9 – 2 = 7 | 7 x 1800 = 12600 |
Decagon | 10 | 10 – 2 = 8 | 8 x 1800 = 14400 |
Worked Examples:
- Calculate the size of an exterior angle of a regular nonagon (9 sides)
- Calculate the size of an exterior angle of a regular hexagon (6 sides)
Answer to the evaluation questions
- Sum of the exterior of a polygon = 3600. Number of sides of a nonagon = 9
- Sum of exterior angles = 360o
Hexagon has 6 sides.
= 60o
- The interior angles of a triangle add up to …………………………
- The interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to ………………………
- The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is 1080o. How many sides has the polygon?
- Calculate the number of sides of each of a regular polygon whose interior angle is 162o
- The sum of the 3 angles of a hexagon is 345o. If the other angles are equal. Find the sizes of each of the angle.
Essential Mathematics for junior secondary school Book 2, Chapter 19, page 252 – 255
Exercise 19.5 No 1 page 255
- The sum of the interior angles of a regular pentagon is A. 240o B. 720o C. 540o D. 640o
- Calculate the size of each exterior angle of a regular hexagon. A. 60o B. 30o C. 45o D. 125o
- The size of each angle of a regular octagon will be ____ A. 95o B. 75o C. 105o D. 135o
- How many sides has a polygon if the sum of interior angles of that polygon gives 3240o? A. 18o B. 15o C. 17o D. 20o
- Calculate the size of each exterior angles of a pentagon A. 30o B. 72o C. 60o D. 90o
- Calculate
- A. The total internal angels of an octagon
- B. The size of each angle of a regular octagon
- Calculate the
- Exterior angle
- The number of sides of a regular polygon with an interior angle of 72o
We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
In our next class, we will be talking about “Angles of Elevation and Depression”. We are very much eager to meet you there.
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I don’t understand the number 2 theory question
Please explain more for me
For the theory number which we can consider as 2b,
there is an error. The number there should be 720.
As you probably already know, the sum of interior angles in a polygon is
(n-2) x 180 degrees. Where n refers to the number of sides in the polygon.
Therefore, (n-2) x 180 = 720
n-2 = 720/180.
n= 4+2
Meaning, the polygon is a hexagon
pls can you give me and explain the answer in the NGM page 45 chapter 9 revision excersise 6 my daughter needs it pls
pls can you explain chapter 6 page 45 revision excersise 6 my daughter needs it
Good job
Pls some of the weekend Assignment Questions I do not understand
i can help you
Why can’t text be copied
Hi. Please the notes are not available for copy, only reading.
Chai sorry