Duties of Community Leaders 

Welcome to today’s class!!

We are thrilled to have you in our class!!

In today’s Religious and National Values class, we will be talking about Duties of Community Leaders

Duties of Community Leaders 

Duties of Community Leaders

Every home, school or society has a person who controls and directs the affairs of the people. In our classroom, there is a class captain or class monitor who ensures that there is peace. 

The person who directs and controls others is therefore a leader.

In our local communities, where the customs and traditions of the people form the basic way of life, there is also somebody who is in charge of the affairs of the people based on the customs and tradition. The person is the head and therefore, the leader.

Community leadership therefore means leadership based on the customs and traditions of a community. 

When a person controls a group of people according to tradition and customs, such a person is called the traditional leader or ruler.

Examples of traditional leaders in our society are the Emir of Kano, Oba of Benin.

Duties Of Community Leaders

Community Leaders perform the following duties:

  • They maintain the traditional laws and customs of the people. They ensure that such customs do not die.
  • They are the custodians of the customs and traditions of the people. They are a symbol of the customs and traditions of the people.
  • They maintain peace in their communities.
  • They help to unite the people living in their domain, to ensure peace.
  • They settle disputes or disagreements among the people in their domain.
  • They organize their people and community in self-help projects for the development of their community.

In summary, Community leadership therefore means leadership based on the customs and traditions of a community. 



What is a community?


Reading Assignment

What is community leadership?


Weekend Assignment

Mention five leaders in your community and their responsibilities.


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about Objects Found in the First Aid Box.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.


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