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Food preservation is the action taken or treatment given to food to prevent it from getting spoilt.

Food preservation involves removing things that cause food spoilage like bacteria, mold and yeasts. Removing the conditions that help the growth of microorganisms like moisture and warmth.

Food spoilage may be defined as any change that renders food unfit for human consumption. These changes may be caused by various factors, including contamination by microorganisms, infestation by insects, or degradation, among others.

Reasons for Preserving Food

  • To prevent food from being spoilt.
  • To avoid wastage.
  • To keep food in their best condition when they are out of season.

Importance of Food Storage

  • It prevents food from spoilage
  • It prevents loss of food nutrients.
  • It helps to save money.
  • It saves time and energy for going to the market always.


  1. What is Food preservation?
  2. Give three reasons for preserving food.
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