The Death on the Cross. Lk 23: 13-25

The death on the cross. Lk 23: 13-25

  1. The importance of Jesus laying down His life for us
  2. To save us from sin and death.
  3. The resurrection. Mark 16: 1-8


The death on the cross. Lk 23: 13-25

Jesus suffered as He carried the heavy cross. When they reached Golgotha, the soldiers removed the dress of Jesus and put Him on the cross. They drove nails into His palms and legs. Jesus suffered as they drove the nails into His flesh. Then they raised the cross and Jesus hung on the cross.

As Jesus hung on the cross the crowd mocked him saying:

He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the king of Israel; let him come down from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him; for he said, “I am the son of God.”

Jesus was in pain. He suffered a lot and He was feeling serious pain. Jesus hung on the cross for three hours, there was darkness everywhere.

Jesus then cried in a loud voice saying:

“Eloi, eloi lama sabachthani” meaning: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

After saying this, Jesus died on the cross.


The importance of Jesus laying down His life for us

To save us from sin and death: The importance of Jesus suffering and death is to save us from sin and death. As children of God we should accept Jesus into our lives and forsake sin so that the death and suffering of Jesus will not be in vain.


The resurrection. Mark 16: 1-8

The raising of Jesus from the dead by the power of God is called the ‘resurrection’

When Jesus was alive, He said that three days after His death, he would rise. Therefore, three days after He was buried, Jesus rose from the dead.

Mary Magdalene came to the tomb on the third day, and she was told by an angel that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, but at first, she did not recognize Him. She asked Him if he knew where they had taken the body of Jesus. Then, Jesus called her name, “Mary.”

She recognized Jesus and wanted to hold Him. But Jesus said He must first ascend into heaven. He told her to inform the disciples that He was ascending to God, the Father. Mary went and informed the disciples.

In the evening, Jesus appeared to the disciples. He said to them: “Peace be with you.”

Jesus gave them the Holy spirit. He also gave them the authority to forgive sins.

Thomas was not present when Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples. When they told Him that Jesus had risen, He doubted it until Jesus told him to put hand into His wounds. Thomas was now convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead.


Moral lesson

  1. God wants us to thank Him for raising Jesus up from the dead.
  2. God wants us to believe in resurrection as our hope for eternal life.


Quiz activities

  1. What is resurrection?

ANSWER: The raising of Jesus from the dead by the power of God is called the ‘resurrection’


  1. When did Jesus rise from the dead?

ANSWER: On the third day.


  1. Who doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead?

ANSWER: Thomas.



  1. Who gave the disciples the Holy spirit?

ANSWER: Jesus.



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