Identify Instances Jesus Demonstrated His Love

Identify instances Jesus demonstrated His love.

  1. Blind Bartimaeus. Matt 10; 46-52
  2. Lk 19: 1-10
  3. Mary Magdalene. Lk 7: 37- 49
  4. Explain the importance of showing love to one another. Mark 10:46-52



Instances Jesus demonstrated His love.

Blind Bartimaeus. Mark 10; 46-52

Jesus and His disciples were passing through Jericho, on their way to Jerusalem. Many people followed Jesus. As Jesus passed by one road, Bartimaeus, a blind man called upon him to have mercy upon him:

Jesus, son of David, have mercy upon me”

Some of the people asked Bartimaeus to keep quiet, but he shouted till Jesus heard his voice. Jesus asked the people to bring Bartimaeus to him. When he arrived, Jesus asked him what he wanted from him.

He said he wanted to receive his sight. Jesus showed His love by healing him. Jesus said:

“Go your way; your faith has made you well.”


Zacchaeus. Lk 19: 1-10

Zacchaeus was a tax collector of the city of Jericho and learned that Jesus the prophet was passing through the city. Since Zacchaeus was short in stature, he ran ahead of the crowd and climb up into a Sycamore tree to have a better view of Jesus. When Jesus arrived, he saw him on the tree and said to him: “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today” 

Zacchaeus was very joyful, but the crowd grumbled that Jesus was making friend with a sinner.

After arriving at Zacchaeus house, he said to Jesus that he will give half of his goods to the poor and return in fourfold to those he has cheated.

Jesus then said to him that salvation has entered his house: “For the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”


Mary Magdalene. Lk 7: 37- 49

Jesus showed love to Mary Magdalene even though many people said she was a sinner that Jesus should not associate with her.

Mary Magdalene put oil on Jesus head, she wiped his feet with her hairs and tears, she poured perfume on his feet and Jesus forgave her all her sins.

Mary Magdalene later became one of Jesus disciples.


Importance of showing love to one another. Mark 10:46-52

  1. It makes God to be happy with us.
  2. People will call us good children.
  3. It brings about peace.
  4. It will give us the opportunity to tell others about Jesus.


Moral lesson

  1. God loves us, and He is always ready to forgive us.
  2. God wants us to show love for one another.
  3. God wants us to forgive our enemies.


Quiz activities

  1. How did Jesus show His love to the blind man?

ANSWER: He showed His love to him by healing him.


  1. Why are we to love our enemies?

ANSWER: Because it is God’s commandment.


  1. What did Jesus teach us?

ANSWER: He taught us to love one another.



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