Concepts of Print Continuation


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Hello, alphabet adventurers! 🌟 Today, we’re diving even deeper into the world of letters and words. Get ready to meet uppercase and lowercase letters, and discover the secrets of punctuation marks!

Concepts of Print Continuation


Imagine you’re explorers in the Land of Letters and Punctuation. 📚✉️ Our mission today is to learn the alphabet in different styles and to understand how punctuation marks add meaning to our words!

Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Letters come in two styles: uppercase (big) and lowercase (small). They’re like cousins who look similar but a bit different. Let’s meet them both!

This is an uppercase letter “A”

And a lowercase letter “a”

This is an uppercase letter “B”

And a lowercase letter “b”

This is an uppercase letter “C”

And a lowercase letter “c”

This is an uppercase letter “D”

And a lowercase letter “d”

Punctuation: Comma, Full Stop, and Question Mark

Punctuation: Comma, Full Stop, and Question Mark

Punctuation marks are like signs on the road of words. A comma makes a pause, a full stop brings a sentence to a complete stop, and a question mark asks a curious question. Let’s use them to add excitement and meaning!

This is comma “,”

This is full stop”.”

And this is the question mark”?”

Can you think of another sign?



Now I want you to give me a big pause by showing a comma with your hands. 

And a full stop by making a big period!

Can you make a question mark with your body? Remember, it’s like a hook!

Class Work:

Write your name using both uppercase and lowercase letters. Then, use a punctuation mark at the end of a sentence.


Read a book or a sign and find at least one punctuation mark. Tell me what it is!

Have you ever used a period to make a stop in your writing? Or have you found a question mark in a book? Share your letter and punctuation adventures with me in the comments below!

We have come to the end of the class for today. Hope you enjoyed the class.

In the next class, we shall be discussing Vocabulary Acquisition

If you have any question, kindly ask in the comments section below, and trust me to respond as soon as possible.

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