Conditions for Forgiveness

Conditions for forgiveness

  1. Acknowledgement, repentance, and changes.
  2. Need of being forgiven and forgiving others-to be God’s children and to be saved.


Conditions for forgiveness

Acknowledgement: When we acknowledge our sins by admitting our wrongdoing, Jesus will forgive us. Jesus wants us to be without sin.

Repentance: Jesus wants us to be sorry and repent from our sins. Just like the prodigal son, when we repent, Jesus will be happy with us when we change from our sinful ways.


Need of being forgiven and forgiving others-to be God’s children and to be saved.

It is necessary for us to seek forgiveness of sins for us not to be separated from God. When we are separated from God, He will remove his mercy and His protection from us.

It is also necessary for us to forgive others who have offended us for God to forgive us too.

As children of God, we always need to avoid sins and be saved.


Moral lessons

  1. God wants us to thank Jesus for forgiving us our sins.
  2. God wants us to repent from our sins.
  3. God wants us to avoid sinful habits that can cause suffering.


Quiz activities

  1. What are the conditions for forgiveness of sin?

ANSWER: Acknowledgement and repentance.



  1. Do we need to forgive others to be forgiven?




  1. Does God love our sinful ways?






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