Evidence of the Prayer Life of Jesus

Evidence of the prayer life of Jesus.

  1. Jesus prayed all night on the mountain. Lk 6:12
  2. Importance of praying.
  3. Right relationship with God.
  4. Our needs are met.



 Evidence of the prayer life of Jesus.


Jesus prayed all night on the mountain. Lk 6:12

Jesus prayed all night on the mountain to God to help him in His decision making.

One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God”


Importance of praying

  1. Prayer helps us to build the right relationship with God.
  2. By praying to God our needs are met.
  3. Prayer helps us to be spiritually strong.
  4. Prayer helps us to honour God.


Moral lessons

  1. God wants us to pray to Him with faith.
  2. God wants us to thank Him in our prayers.
  3. God wants us to honour Him.
  4. God wants us to pray every time.



Quiz activities:

1.What are the importance of prayer?

Answer: (a) it makes us build relationship with God.

(b)our needs are met.

(c)it makes us to be spiritually strong.


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