Importance of Prayer

Importance of prayer

  1. For success
  2. For victorious living
  3. Faith, miracles, and blessing.


Things to pray for

  1. Wisdom
  2. Holy spirit
  3. Good health
  4. Guidance etc

Importance of prayer

Below are the importance of prayer:

  1. For success: Prayer makes us to have success in all that we do.
  2. Victorious living: Prayer makes us to have victory over Satan and other obstacles of life.
  3. Faith: Prayer builds our faith.
  4. Miracles: Prayer brings about miracles. When we pray miracles will abound.
  5. Blessing: Prayer bring blessings to our life.


Things to pray for

  1. Wisdom: We need to pray for wisdom to succeed in life.
  2. Holy spirit: We need to pray for Holy spirit to guide us in our ways.
  3. Good health: We need to pray for good health every time we pray because health is wealth.
  4. Guidance: We need God to guide us in our journey of life hence we need to pray for God’s guidance.



Moral lessons

  1. God wants us to pray before and after every meal.
  2. God wants us to pray to Him with faith through Jesus Christ.
  3. God wants us to thank Him in our prayers to him.



Quiz activities

  1. What are the importance of prayer?

          Answer: success, victorious living, miracles, blessing etc

  1. What are the things we should pray for?

Answer: good health, Holy spirit, guidance, wisdom etc.


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