Jesus Guides Us by His spirit

Jesus guides us by His spirit.

-Evidence of the guidance of the spirit of Jesus.

-The spirit guided the apostles to choose Paul and Barnabas. Act 13:1; Jn 13:15

-The spirit of Christ led Paul and Silas to Macedonia. Acts 16:6; Jn 16:4-11


Jesus guides us by His spirit.

The holy spirit is the spirit of God. As a child of God, the holy spirit can speak to guide and teach us.

The holy spirit can fellowship with us by becoming our friend, companion, and partner.

Evidence of the guidance of the spirit of Jesus

The spirit guided the apostles to choose Paul and Barnabas. Act 13:1; Jn 13:15.

The Holy spirit guided the leaders of the church of Antioch to choose Paul and Barnabas when they were fasting and praying. The Holy spirit said to them: “Set apart for me Barnabas and Paul for the work to which I have called them”

The leaders of the church of Antioch prayed and fasted because of the message from the Holy spirit.


The spirit of Christ led Paul and Silas to Macedonia. Acts 16:6; Jn 16:4-11

The spirit of Christ (Holy spirit) was with the apostles in all their journeys to preach the word of God. The apostles were directed where to go and where not to go by the Holy spirit.

When the apostles, Paul and Silas had preached the word of God in Phrygia and Galatia, they wanted to go to Asia or Bithynia. But the Holy spirit said they should not go there. The was because the Holy spirit wanted them to preach in Macedonia. In the night, Paul had a vision to go to Macedonia. A man of Macedonia begged him: “Come over to Macedonia”



Moral lesson

  1. God wants us to ask Jesus to send His holy spirit to us.


Quiz activities

  1. How did the Holy spirit guide Paul and Silas to go to Macedonia?

ANSWER: Through vision.


  1. How does the Holy spirit guide Christian children?

ANSWER: He gives them power to be obedient to the word of God, He helps them to pray, He helps them to be good citizen.



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