Back to: Bible Knowledge Primary 4
Jesus has power to forgive sins.
- Meaning of forgiveness of sin – pardon by God.
- Examples of those who received forgiveness e.g. story of the prodigal son. Lk 15: 11-32, The paralytic Mk 2:1-12
- Conditions for forgiveness.
Jesus has power to forgive sins.
Sin is a terrible thing because it separates us from God. When we are in sin, God removes His mercy and protection from us. Jesus is always ready to forgive us our sins because he has power to forgive sins.
Meaning of forgiveness of sin – pardon by God.
Forgiveness means to pardon. When we offend someone, we seek his or her forgiveness for the relationship to be restored. Forgiveness is an act of love, mercy, and grace. When God forgives us our sins it is because He loves us.
Examples of those who received forgiveness e.g. story of the prodigal son. Lk 15: 11-32, The paralytic Mk 2:1-12
The story of the prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32
A father has two sons. The younger son was very wasteful. Is it good to be wasteful? The prodigal son asked his father for his own share of the family’s property. When he collected it, he left for another country.
In the new country, he wasted and finished all his inheritance with his friends who later left him when he has finished all the money and had no money again.
There was famine in the country and there was nothing left for him to eat again. He went to work in a farm where he was given little food that could not sustain him.
He was wearing tattered clothes and looking miserable whereas his father’s servants were well fed and had good clothes to wear.
He felt sorry for how wasteful he was and decided to go home and beg his father. His father forgave him when he apologised, and he made a big feast to celebrate him.
The story of the prodigal son shows that there is always joy in heaven over a repentant sinner.
The healing of the paralytic Mk 2:1-12
There was a certain man who was sick and became paralyzed. He could not walk again. When Jesus entered Capernaum to preach the gospel, the friends took the paralytic man to where he was preaching. There was so much crowd that they could not get to Jesus. They had to make an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic man, “son, your sins are forgiven.”
Some teachers of the law were sitting there thinking to themselves that Jesus was blaspheming, that it is only God that can forgive sins.
Jesus told them that He has the authority to forgive sins.
“But I want you to know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins”
Immediately Jesus forgave him his sins, the man became well again. He picked up his bed and went home.
Moral lessons
- God wants us to thank Jesus for forgiving us our sins.
- God wants us to repent from our sins.
- God wants us to avoid sinful habits that can cause suffering.
Quiz activities
- What is sin?
ANSWER: Sin is a terrible thing because it separates us from God.
- What are the lesson learnt from the story of the prodigal son?
ANSWER: Jesus will forgive us when we are sorry for our sins, Jesus loves us.
- What happens when we refuse to ask God for forgiveness?
ANSWER: God will remove His mercy and protection from us which will make us to be miserable and suffer.
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Good and precise notes.