Jesus is With Us

Jesus is with us.

  1. He is with us. Matt 28: 20
  2. He abides with us. John 15:1-7
  3. In the celebration of the Holy communion.
  4. In the promises. Act 1:8
  5. In His word



Jesus is with us. Matt 28:20

When Jesus met His disciples after the resurrection, He told them that He will always be with all Christians. He will be with us till the end of the world. Jesus said: “And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”

Jesus is with us in spirit. We cannot see Him. But He can see us. He is with us in spirit to help us obey the commandments of God.


He abides with us. John 15:1-7

Jesus said we should abide in Him and He will abide in us. If we abide in Him, we shall bear many fruits. Without Him we cannot do anything. If we abide in Him, and His words abide in us, anything we ask from God we shall get it.

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you”


In the celebration of the Holy communion.

Jesus is always with us in the celebration of the Holy communion.


In the promises. Act 1:8

It is parts of the promises of God to us:

But you shall receive power after the Holy spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth.”

In His word

Jesus promised us in His word that He will never leave us.

“I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” Hebrew 13:5b

Moral lesson

  1. God wants us to know that Jesus will never leave us.
  2. God wants us to abide in Jesus by keeping the word of God.


Quiz activities

  1. What does Matthew 28:20 say?

               ANSWER: “And lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”

  1. How do we abide in Jesus?

ANSWER: By keeping the word of God.





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