Qualification for Election and Responsibility of Voters


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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be discussing the Qualifications for Registration for Election in Nigeria. We hope you enjoy the class!

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Qualifications for Registration for Election in Nigeria

Under the Electoral act of 2002, to qualify for registration of voters in Nigeria, a person must:

  1. Be a citizen of Nigeria.
  2. Be at least 18 years old.
  3. Be ordinarily resident or work in, originate from or be an indigene of the Local Government Area or Ward covered by the Registration centre
  4. Present himself to the registration officer of the commission for registration as a voter within the stipulated period.
  5. Not be subject to any legal incapability to vote under any laws, rules or regulations in force in Nigeria.


Qualifications for Election
  1. Age: To vote in any election in Nigeria, a person must have attained the age of 18yeárs. Those seeking election as President, members of House of Senate, State Governors must be at least 35 years old while candidates for the House of Representatives must be at least 30 years old.
  2. Citizenship: Someone seeking an elective post must be a citizen of the country.
  3. Must be a Member of a Registered Political Party: To be voted for, the person seeking elective post must be a member of one of the recognized political parties in the country.
  4. Educational Qualification: In Nigeria, the minimum needed qualification to be voted into the parliament is West African School Certificate (WASC).
  5. Crime- Free: To vie for an elective post in Nigeria the candidate must not have any criminal record. He must not be an ex-convict i.e. a person that has been imprisoned for any criminal offence.
  6. Sanity: A person contesting for election must not be insane.
  7. Tax Payment: The candidate must be ready to provide evidence of tax payment over a period of time.


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Responsibilities of Voters

Voters must:

  1. Respect the privacy of other voters.
  2. Treat electoral officers (INEC officials) with respect.
  3. Know the location of his or her polling place and its hours of operation.
  4. Bring proper identification to the polling
  5. Report any problems or violations of election laws to the supervisor of elections
  6. Make sure that his or her complete ballot is correct before leaving the polling station.
  7. Familiarize himself or herself with candidates.
  8. Participate in the election by coming out to vote.
  9. Follow instructions concerning voting
  10. Follow all federal and state voting laws.


Voters Rights

Some of the rights of voters are:

  1. Right to vote if they register.
  2. Right to ask questions on election process or procedure.
  3. Right to preview a sample ballot before voting.
  4. Right to vote in privacy and freedom from coercion or intimidation.
  5. Right to receive assistance if he is has a physical disability or unable to read English or any Nigerian languages.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Procedures for Voting and the Importance of Elections. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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