Sports Injuries II

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In today’s Physical and Health Education class, we will be learning about Sports Injuries II

Sports Injuries II

sports injuries ii

In our previous class, we learned that injuries occur during exercise or while participating in a sport. 

Not only are children particularly at risk for these types of injuries, but adults can get them, too.

How then can sports injuries affect you? 

You’re at risk for sports injuries if you:

  • haven’t been regularly active
  • don’t warm up properly before exercise
  • play contact sports

Sports Injuries Treatment

The RICE method is a common treatment regimen for sports injuries. It stands for:

  • rest
  • ice
  • compression
  • elevation

This treatment method is helpful for mild sports injuries. For best results, follow the RICE method within the first 24 to 36 hours after the injury. It can help reduce swelling and prevent additional pain and bruising in the early days after a sports injury. 

Both over-the-counter and prescription medications are available to treat sports injuries. Most of them provide relief from pain and swelling.

However, you must remember that, if your sports injury looks or feels severe, make an appointment to see your doctor. Seek emergency care if the injured joint shows signs of:

  • severe swelling and pain
  • visible lumps, bumps, or other deformities
  • popping or crunching sounds when you use the joint
  • weakness or inability to put weight on the joint
  • instability

Also seek emergency attention if you experience any of the following after an injury:

  • difficulty breathing
  • dizziness
  • fever

Serious sports injuries can require surgery and physical therapy. If the injury doesn’t heal within two weeks, contact your doctor for an appointment.

Sports Injuries Prevention

The best way to prevent a sports injury is to warm up properly and stretch. Cold muscles are prone to overstretching and tears. Warm muscles are more flexible. They can absorb quick movements, bends, and jerks, making injury less likely.

Also take these steps to avoid sports injuries:

  • Use The Proper Technique

Learn the proper way to move during your sport or activity. Different types of exercise require different stances and postures. For example, in some sports, bending your knees at the right time can help avoid an injury to your spine or hips.

  • Have The Proper Equipment

Wear the right shoes. Make sure you have the proper athletic protection. Ill-fitting shoes or gear can increase your risk for injury.

  • Don’t Overdo It

If you do get hurt, make sure you’re healed before you start the activity again. Don’t try to “work through” the pain.


What are Sports Injuries?


Reading Assignment

Explain five types of Sports Injuries


Weekend Assignment

Explain the RICE method in Sports Injuries Treatment.


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be learning about Swimming.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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