Track And Field Event Hammer

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In today’s Physical and Health Education class, we will be learning about Track And Field Event (Hammer)

Track And Field Event (Hammer)

track and field event hammer

Legend traces the concept of the Hammer in Track and Field Event to approximately 2000 BC and the Tailteann Games in Tara, Ireland, where the Celtic warrior Culchulainn gripped a chariot wheel by its axle, whirled it around his head and threw it a huge distance. Quite a long time, right?

Let’s find out more!

The wheel was later replaced by a boulder attached to a wooden handle and the use of a sledgehammer is considered to have originated in England and Scotland during the Middle Ages. A 16th century drawing shows the English king Henry VIII throwing a blacksmith’s hammer. 

The Hammer was first contested by men at the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris. Women first contested the Hammer at the Olympics some 100 years later at the Sydney Games. 

Athletes throw a metal ball (16lb/7.26kg for men, 4kg/8.8lb for women) that is attached to a grip by a steel wire no longer than 1.22m while remaining inside a seven-foot (2.135m) diameter circle. 

In order for the throw to be measured, the ball must land inside a marked 35-degree sector and the athlete must not leave the circle before it has landed, and then only from the rear half of the circle. 

The thrower usually makes three or four spins before releasing the ball. Athletes will commonly throw six times per competition. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the athlete with the next-best effort. 

Quality Hammer throwers require speed, strength, explosive power and coordination. At major championships the format is typically a qualification session followed by a final.

Here are rules guiding Hammer in Track and Field Event

  • Competitors cannot enter the circle until their name has been called
  • The competitor generates a centripetal force by turning their body then release the hammer into the sector
  • Once the hammer has landed in the sector the command “mark” is given to which the competitor exits the ring
  • A measurement is recorded from the inside of the ring to the mark at which the hammer landed

Also, fouls are called if the competitor performs any of the following violations:

  • Enters the ring before name being called
  • Any portion of the competitor (including clothing) touching the top or outside of the ring
  • The hammer landing outside the sector
  • Exiting the ring before the “mark” command
  • Exiting the ring from the front half of the circle.

In summary, The hammer consists of a metal ball attached to a length of wire with a handle at the top. For men, the hammer weighs 16lbs (7.26 kg) and is on a 3 ft 11.75 in (121.3cm) wire. For women, the hammer weighs 4kg (8.82lbs) and is on a 3ft 11in (119.4cm) wire.

Both men and women competitors make their throw from inside a ring which is 7 ft (2.135m) in diameter into a sector which is 34.92 degrees from the center of the throwing ring.


Explain the origin of Hammer


Reading Assignment

When was the first time women participated in a Hammer event?


Weekend Assignment

Explain three rules guiding the Hammer Sport 


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about Basketball.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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