Speech Work: /ᶕu/, /ai/ and /ei/ Grammar: Exercises on Verbs 


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In today’s class, we will be talking about speech work: /ᶕu/, /ai/ and /ei/, etc. Enjoy the class!


diphtonghs classnotes.ng

CONTENT:  Exercise

Transcribe the following

  1. rain
  2. spoke
  3. fight
  4. cow
  5. hear
  6. spare
  7. tour

EVALUATION: Get more words that contain diphthongs and transcribe.




  • Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill in the blanks with the corresponding adverb.

Top of Form

  1. James is careful. He drives __________
  2. The girl is slow. She walks __________
  3. Her English is perfect. She speaks English __________
  4. Our teacher is angry. She shouts __________
  5. My neighbor is a loud speaker. He speaks __________

EVALUATION: Do practice of page 102




Euphemism and Pun

  • Euphemism is an indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something unpleasant or embarrassing to make it seem more acceptable than it really is.

Examples: The man had passed on to glory.

Dupe is put in the family way.

  • Pun is the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same.

Example: We are banking on them to lend us the money

EVALUATION:  Give more examples on each.


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