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In today’s Business Studies class, We will be learning about Erasing Techniques Using Rubber. We hope you enjoy the class!
In typewriting work, errors and mistakes must be corrected. To produce accurate documents all errors must be neatly corrected. When errors are found in a typed work, the following materials can be used to erase the error:
- Typing eraser
- Correction fluid
- Correction paper
Typing Eraser
If the typewriter eraser is being used, first move the carriage so that the mistake is outside the type basket. Then turn up the paper so that the error or mistake rests on the erasing table of the carriage. Erase gently to avoid making a hole in the paper. Return the paper to the typing line and type the correct letter(s) or word(s).
Rubber Eraser
If the rubber eraser is being used, lightly rub the mistake up and down until the mistake is cleared. Return the paper to the typing line and type the correct letter(s) or word(s).
Correction Fluid
Where the correcting fluid is being used, rub the tin liquid across the mistake, and allow to dry. After making the correction, return the roller to the line of typing and type in the correction. Tip-Ex is an example of correction liquid.
Correction Paper
This is a mechanical paper treated with fluid and powder. To use it, place the coated part of the paper on the affected characters. Then type correction on the correction paper and remove the paper from the machine.
1 Tipp-ex/ correcting fluid
2 Typing eraser
3 Automatic typing eraser
4 Red liquid fluid.
When an error is done on a computer, making correction of such error is easy on the computer. The computer makes it easy to make a correction to typed written work without interfering with the text or erasing the text. To add delete or add a letter or words(s), you move the cursor to certain points in a document without erasing the text it passes through.
In Microsoft Word, there are three methods through which corrections can be made:
- By using the backspace key: This deletes the wrong letter or word(s) and the correct letter/word is then typed.
- By using the insert key. Bring the cursor to the first letter of the wrong word, then press the insert key and type the correct word. The insert key is a toggle key; that is, when the key is pressed, it starts the action it is expected to do until it is pressed again to stop the action.
- By moving the cursor to the position the omitted letter or word should occupy and simply type in the letter or word.
- Explain typing basket.
- List three typewriting errors correcting materials
In the office, various sizes and kinds of typing papers are in use. The most widely used is the A-series. The basic sizes, A0, is approximately one square metre (84-1189mm). A1 is exactly half of A0. A2 is half of A1. A3 is half of A2. A4 is half of A3 while A5 is half of A4. Paper can either be placed in a portrait position or in a landscape position or in a landscape position. When the shorter side of the paper is at the top, it is the portrait position. When the longer side of the paper is at the top, It is the landscape position.

The standard paper sizes and their uses are shown in the diagram below.
(In millimetres approx) No of Spaces USES |
LENGTH | Width | Vertical | Horizontal pica | Elite | ||
Foolscap | 330 | 203 | 78 | 80 | 96 | Table, reports, minutes and letters |
A4 landscape | 297 | 210 | 50 | 117 | 141 | As above |
A4 portrait | 210 | 297 | 70 | 82 | 100 | As above |
A5 landscape | 148 | 210 | 35 | 82 | 100 | As above |
A5 portrait | 210 | 148 | 50 | 59 | 70 | Programmes & invitations |
A6 | 148 | 105 | 25 | 59 | 70 | Postcards index cards, advertisement and envelopes |
State the different sizes of paper used for typing
Read page 108 of BUSINESS STUDIES for JSS3 by O. A. LAWAL and others
- What is a trading account?
- State five items that can be found in a trading account
- Define a pro forma invoice.
- Distinguish between a debit note and a credit note
- What is a statement of account?
- Which of the following method of correcting an error is allowed to dry before correction is effected? A. Rubber eraser B. correcting fluid C. Red ink D. Pencil eraser
- ———- is NOT a material for the correction of typewriting errors. A. Red fluid B. Tipp-ex C. Rubber eraser D. Automatic typing eraser.
- Which of these types of paper sizes can be used for long letters and report? A. A6 B. A4 C. A7 D. Quarto.
- Which of these paper sizes is good for typing medium letters? A. Quarto B. A4 C. A5 D. A6.
- Which of the following cannot lead to a typing error? A. The sitting position of the typist B. Level of training of the typist C. Quality of manuscript D. Brand of the typewriter.
- List three materials used for correcting errors in typing and explain how they are used.
- Explain five approaches to preventing typing errors.
- Draw out the following sizes of paper.
- A4 Portrait
- A5 Landscape
We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
In our next class, we will be talking about Memorandum. We are very much eager to meet you there.
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