Procedure For Erasing In Typewriting


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In today’s Business Studies class, We will be looking at the Procedures for Erasing in Typewriting. We hope you enjoy the class!


typewriter business studies classnotesng

In typewriting work, errors and mistakes must be corrected. If the typewriter eraser is being used, first move the carriage so that the mistake is outside the type basket. Then turn up the paper so that the error or mistake rests on the erasing table of the carriage. If the rubber eraser is being used, lightly rub the mistake up and down until the mistake is cleared. If on the other hand, the correcting fluid is being used, rub the tin liquid across the mistake, and allow to dry. After making the correction, return the roller to the line of typing and type in the correction.


1 Tipp-ex/ correcting fluid

2 Typing eraser

3 Automatic typing eraser

4 Red liquid fluid


1 Explain typing basket.

2 List three typewriting errors correcting materials

Rubber Eraser

modern typewriter eraser business studies classnotesng

The traditional erasing method involved the use of a special typewriter eraser made of hard rubber that contained an abrasive material. Some were thin, flat disks, pink or grey, approximately 2 inches (51 mm) in diameter by ⅛ inch (3.2 mm) thick, with a brush attached from the centre, while others looked like pink pencils, with a sharpenable eraser at the “lead” end and a stiff nylon brush at the other end. Either way, these tools made possible erasure of individual typed letters. Business letters were typed on heavyweight, high-rag-content bond paper, not merely to provide a luxurious appearance, but also to stand up to erasure.

Typewriter eraser brushes were necessary for clearing eraser crumbs and paper dust, and using the brush properly was an important element of typewriting skill; if erasure detritus fell into the typewriter, a small buildup could cause the typebars to jam in their narrow supporting grooves.

Correction Fluid

using-correction-fluid-using-correction-fluid- business studies classnotesng

In the 1950s and 1960s, correction fluid made its appearance, under brand names such as Liquid Paper, White-Out and Tipp-Ex; it was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham. Correction fluid was a kind of opaque, white, fast-drying paint that produced a fresh white surface onto which, when dry, a correction could be retyped. However, when held to the light, the covered-up characters were visible, as was the patch of dry correction fluid (which was never perfectly flat, and frequently not a perfect match for the colour, texture, and lustre of the surrounding paper). The standard trick for solving this problem was photocopying the corrected page, but this was possible only with high-quality photocopiers.

A different fluid was available for correcting stencils. It sealed up the stencil ready for retyping but did not attempt to colour match.

Correction Paper

Correction paper, or correction film, its’ plastic-based equivalent, is a tab of plastic with one side coated with white correction material. It is used to correct typing errors made when using a typewriter. When inserted between the paper and the ribbon, the impression of the type bar presses the shape of the character into the film, which prints the white correction material onto the paper, hiding the erroneous character and preparing the document for the correct character.

correction paper business studies classnotesng


Read page 108 of BUSINESS STUDIES for JSS3 by O. A. LAWAL and others


1 ——————— method of correcting the error is allowed to dry before correction is effected.  A.  Rubber eraser       B. correcting fluid     C.  Red  ink      D.  Pencil eraser

2  ————– is NOT a material for the correction of typewriting errors.   A. Red fluid     B.  Tipp-ex     C.  Rubber eraser     D. Automatic typing eraser

3  The carriage is moved outside the type basket in order to prevent ————— from the typewriter.

4.  Care of the typewriter includes the following except ———– A.  covering the machine when not in use     B.  covering the carriage to prevent movement     C.  dusting the machine daily     D.  applying water and soap

5. Which of the following cannot lead to a typing error? A.  The sitting position of the typist     B.  Level of training of the typist     C.  Quality of manuscript     D.  Brand of the typewriter.



1 List three materials used for correcting errors in typing and explain how they are used.

2 Explain five approaches to preventing typing errors.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

We have come to the end of this term and hence JSS3. It’s been a remarkable journey and we are glad that you have made it this far. For making it this far, we commend you for being resilient, you have taken charge of your education and future.

The Journey still continues though, we are moving on to SS1. we hope to meet you there. 



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