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Policies and programmes of government refer to the plan of things the government wants to do for the benefit of members of the public. It is usually made for such things as education, health, agriculture, and employment.

Government has many programmes and policies.

Here are some of them:

  • UBE
  • Due process



UBE means Universal Basic Education programme. It is a programme for free and compulsory nine-year basic education for Nigerian children.

The nine-year basic education curriculum is divided into three sections. The sections are as follows:

  • Lower basic education curriculum for primary 1-3.
  • Middle basic education curriculum for primary 4-6.
  • Upper basic education curriculum for junior secondary 1-3.

It is designed to make all children in Nigeria have free, compulsory nine-year basic education. This is aimed at making all Nigerians literate, and able to live more useful lives.



NEEDS means National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy. As the name suggests, NEEDS is a programme designed to develop the country faster. This is to be achieved through making Nigerians earn more money from their businesses and jobs. The programme has five major objectives, which are aimed at making it possible for this goal to be achieved. For example, the nine-year Universal Basic Education programme is one of those objectives. This is because education is the principal means by which the various government programmes and policies can be achieved. When fully implemented, NEEDS would lead to much greater economic growth and development of this country, Nigeria.

At the state level, it is called SEEDS, meaning State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy. At the local government level, it is called LEEDS, meaning Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy.


Due process

It is a policy which tries to ensure that rules and regulations are strictly followed and adhered to. The need for due process as a policy stems from the fact that, for a long time in Nigeria, orderliness in the conduct of government business has been ignored. People often break the normal procedure of doing things, with great disregard for laid down rules and regulations. Indiscipline has therefore reigned supreme in the conduct of government work nationally, and at both the state and local levels.

When the normal process of doing things is abandoned, corruption easily sets in. It is important to state here that due process, as a policy, is expected to be followed, not only in the public service, but also in the private sector.



  1. What do you understand by the term government policies or programmes?
  2. List three government policies or programmes you know.
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