Speech Work: Two, Three &  Four Syllables,  Grammar: The Use of Active and Passive Voice with example


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In today’s class, we will be talking about syllables, etc. Enjoy the class!


Syllables classnotes.ng


Syllables: Words of two, three and four syllables

  • Two – syllable Words:





  • Three – syllable words:






  • Four – syllable Words:





EVALUATION:  Give five words each on the following syllables and show the necessary stress: two, three and four.


Activities on Active and Passive Voice

CONTENT: Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the verbs in the bracket

Use the given verb in either active or passive form in a suitable tense.

  1. At present, the oldest house in town —- (restore) by the Historical Society. When the restoration is finished, the house is sure to be a popular tourist attraction.
  2. A: What a beautiful old wooden chest!

B: It —- (build) by my grandfather over fifty years ago.

  1. At one time, the entire world —- (rule) by dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs —- (walk) on their hind legs and —- (stand) as tall as palm trees.
  2. Disneyland is a world-famous amusement park in Southern California. It —- (visit) by more than ten million people every year.
  3. Many of us take water for granted in our daily lives, but people who live in the desert —- (not use) water carelessly. To them, each drop is precious.
  4. I —- (not agree) with people who say space exploration is a waste of money.
  5. Do you really think that we —- (invade) by creatures from outer space in the near future?
  6. Most insects —- (live) for less than a year. The common housefly —- (live) from 19 to 30 days.
  7. —- (you, accept, already) by this university when you heard about the other scholarship?
  8. I got into a taxi quickly because I —- (follow) by two strange men. As soon as I got into the taxi, I —- (feel) a little safer.

Change the following active sentences into passive voice.

  1. I did not beat her.
  2. I will never forget this experience.
  3. Mother made a cake yesterday.
  4. The boy teased the girl.
  5. Did she do her duty?
  6. The tiger was chasing the deer.
  7. She has written a novel.
  8. She has learned her lessons.
  9. Have you finished the report?
  10. The police have caught the thief.
  11. My brother has completed the work.
  12. Somebody stole my pen yesterday.
  13. Our team may win the match.
  14. Nurses look after patients.



CONTENT:  Read the conversation. See Effective English, book 1. Page 54, Unit 4

EVALUATION: Practice 2 and 3. See Effective English, book 1. Page 54, Unit 4



DRAMA classnotes.ng


Drama is a genre of literature which creates or recreates human experiences through acting; it is the representation of human action.


  • Dialogue: It refers to the exchange of ideas and opinion in a play between two or more characters.
  • Characterization:  It is the process of creating characters and adorning them with certain attributes or vices.
  • Conflict: This term refers to the bone of contention, the point of difference and so the basis of action, between characters in a play.
  • Plot: This is the sequential arrangement of events in creative work.
  • Cast:  It is a list of selected participants for performance with specific roles to play.
  • Comparing Myths and Legends: A myth is a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain natural events or to describe the early history of a people while a legend could also be a story from ancient times,  that describes early history and feats accomplished by some specific persons. A myth might have no real scientific proof but a legend could be traced.

EVALUATION:  Identify the features of drama in your recommended text.





  • Treatment
  • Medicine
  • Bed
  • First aid box
  • Iodine
  • Fridge
  • Plaster
  • Spirit

EVALUATION: Study the passage thoroughly and use your dictionary for unfamiliar words


  1. Write on the following features of drama: theme, costumes, audience, stage and


  1. Write a composition on the title “ The Most Memorable Day of My Life


  1. Write an argumentative essay on the title: ‘ A Male Child is more useful than a Female Child”
  2. Identify moral lessons learnt from a myth or legend you know


In our next class, we will be talking about Speech Work: Syllables Continued,  Grammar: Exercises on Active and Passive Voice.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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