PHE Revision For Pry 5

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In today’s Physical Education Class class, we will be focusing on PHE Revision for Pry 5

PHE Revision for Pry 5

phe revision for pry 5

We are finally getting closer to that time of the year where your knowledge of what you have been taught so far is tested. Not to fret! This is why revision is important! Let’s rewind to some of the topics we learned from our previous classes. 

Food And Nutrition 

Food, Nutrition and Health

Food And Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Understanding these nutrition terms may make it easier for you to make better food choices. Let’s take them one after the other:

  • Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body. The body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs. However, cholesterol also is found in some of the foods you eat. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase your risk of heart disease.

  • Diet

Your diet is made up of what you eat and drink. There are many different types of diets, such as vegetarian diets, weight loss diets, and diets for people with certain health problems.

  • Blood Glucose

Glucose — also called blood sugar — is the main sugar found in the blood and the main source of energy for your body.

  • Dehydration

Dehydration is a condition that happens when you do not take in enough liquids to replace those that you lose. You can lose liquids through frequent urination, sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting. When you are dehydrated, your body does not have enough fluid and electrolytes to work properly.

Poor nutrition can lead to a lack of energy, digestive problems, food allergies, weight gain, depression and anxiety as well as many of today’s most prevalent chronic diseases like coronary heart disease. Having nutritional knowledge and making informed choices about the foods you eat can help you achieve optimum health over your lifetime.

Nutrition is also about why we choose to eat the foods we do, even when we know they may not be good for us, what is going on at a cellular level and how that affects what we crave and therefore set up food cycles that are unhealthy or damaging. Nutritionists advise people on what to eat and how to modify their diet so they can maintain or restore optimal health or help relieve ill health and combat disease.


Nutrition Deficient People 

When we talk about Deficient People, we are primarily referring to people whose bodies lack good nutrition required for a healthy body. 

Nutritional deficiency occurs when the body is not getting enough nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. There are a number of conditions that are caused by nutritional deficiency such as anemia. The body requires vitamins to stay healthy and function properly.

While vitamins can be found in the foods we eat, sometimes that is not enough. Some people may have a greater need for certain vitamins. Increasing the intake of nutrients can alleviate symptoms and conditions. Multivitamin and mineral supplements are commonly taken.

Nutrient deficiencies can also lead to diseases. “For example, calcium and vitamin D deficiencies can cause  osteopenia.n

Nutrient deficiency is the most common cause of a depressed immune system. Although some people have found out that relating nutritional status to immune function has historically concerned itself with severe malnutrition states (for instance kwashiorkor and marasmus), attention is shifting toward big deficiencies of single or multiple nutrients and the effects of overnutrition. The research of scientists has concluded that a single nutrient deficiency can profoundly impair the immune system.

Taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement enhances immune function in elderly people.

In summary, certain diet deficiencies or imbalances of essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals can lead to muscle wasting, decreased stature, increased susceptibility to infection, metabolic disturbances, and a host of other diseases, depending on which elements are missing from or disproportionate in the diet. And so, making our health important by eating food containing good nutrients is very important. 



Judo is a martial art in which two opponents use movement, balance and leverage to gain advantage over each other. It was adopted from a traditional Japanese martial art known as jujutsu.

Judo, a combative sport founded by a Japanese Professor Jigoro Kano in 1878.

Judo became an Olympic sport in 1964 when the game was held in Tokyo, Japan. Judo first got official support in Nigeria in 1972 during the preparation for the 22nd All African Games. The Nigeria judo Amateur judo Association (NAJA) was later named Nigeria Judo federation in 1993 and to the international judo federation.

Skills Of Judo

  1. The stance
  2. The gripping
  3. The movement
  4. The falling
  5. Throws

Rules And Regulations Governing Judo

  1. At the beginning and end of each bout, the two judoka must bow to each other
  2. A judo match takes between 3 to 10 minutes.
  3. Punching or putting a hand, foot, leg or arm on an opponent’s face is prohibited
  4. Judoka must not make derogatory remarks to their opponents/ Foul language is not allowed
  5. Judoka must be clean, have dry skin and short nails on both feet and fingers.

In summary, Judo was adopted from a traditional Japanese martial art known as jujutsu. It is also a combative sport founded by a Japanese Professor Jigoro Kano in 1878.

Swimming Strokes 

swimming strokes

The different types of swimming styles and strokes mainly include the freestyle stroke, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly stroke, and sidestroke.

For competition, swimmers are allowed to compete in multiple events. For exercise, different muscles are used for different strokes, so learning all of the strokes provides a more comprehensive workout. For safety, different strokes can be used depending on the dangers of a particular situation.

  • Freestyle/Front Crawl

The front crawl is likely the first swimming stroke you think of when you picture swimming. It is commonly called the freestyle stroke as most swimmers choose to use this stroke in freestyle events as it is the fastest.

To execute the front crawl, you lie on your stomach with your body parallel to the water. Propel yourself forward with alternating arm movements in a sort of windmill motion that starts by pushing underwater and recovers above water. Your legs should propel you with a flutter kick, which is performed with pointed feet as your legs move up and down in alternation. Do not bend your legs at the knee.

  • Backstroke

The backstroke requires similar movements to the front crawl, but it is done, as the name suggests, on your back. Doctors often recommend this stroke to individuals with back problems as it provides a great back workout.

To perform the backstroke, while floating on your back, alternate your arms with a windmill-like motion to propel yourself backwards. Like the front crawl, your arms should start the circular motion by pushing underwater and recovering above water. Your legs should engage in a flutter kick. Your face should be above the surface as you look straight up.

Keep your body as straight as possible, with a slight decline in the lower body to keep your legs underwater. Don’t allow your hips to get too low or your body to bend too much or it will slow you down. Keep your legs close together and use the motion from your hips to get a more powerful kick.

  • Breaststroke

The breaststroke is the slowest competitive swimming stroke, and it is the most commonly learned stroke. It’s often taught to beginner swimmers because it does not require putting your head underwater. However, in competitive swimming, swimmers do submerge their head and breathe at designated points in the stroke.

This stroke is performed with your stomach facing down. Your arms move simultaneously beneath the surface of the water in a half circular movement in front of your body. Your legs perform the whip kick at the same time. The whip kick is executed by bringing your legs from straight behind you close to your body by bending both at your knees and at your hips. Your legs then move outward and off to the side before extending and coming back together. This swimming technique is often compared to a frog’s movement.

  • Butterfly

The butterfly is an advanced swimming stroke that provides an excellent workout. It can be more difficult and tiring to learn, but it is also a lot of fun. It is the second fastest competitive stroke.

To perform the butterfly stroke, start horizontal with your stomach facing the bottom of the pool. Bring your arms simultaneously over your head and push them into the water to propel you forward and bring them up out of the water again to repeat. As you move your arms into the water, you will push your head and shoulders above the surface of the water.

Your legs will perform a dolphin kick, which requires your legs to stay together and straight as you kick them similarly to how a dolphin’s lower body and tail moves. Move your body in a fluid wave-like motion.

  • Sidestroke

This is an older swimming style that is not typically used in swim competitions, but is still an important stroke to learn for safety reasons. It is most commonly used by lifeguards when they rescue someone, as this stroke most easily allows you to pull something along with you. It involves swimming on your side, as the name implies, propelling yourself forward with a scissor kick and alternating arm movements. It’s one of the easier strokes to learn, and can be a nice break from the more popular swim strokes if you’re looking to add more variety into your routine.

One way to remember the sidestroke is by comparing it to apple picking. Your first arm will stretch above your head and pick an apple, then your hands will meet in front of your chest. The first arm hands the apple to the second arm (the side of the body that is on top and partly out of the water). The second arm will reach out to toss the apple behind you as the first arm reaches above your head for another apple.

We hope you enjoyed today’s class. Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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