Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the theory and rudiment of music. Enjoy the class!

The Theory and Rudiment of Music

Theory and Rudiment of Music

The theory of music is the study and understanding of the practices and rudimental elements of music. It articulates and illustrates the shape and nature of musical alphabets and its elements such as pitch, rhythm, harmony and form. There are many types of music notations that have been invented in the past for the writing of music.

Music notations like tablature are still in use through the most common notation to write music is on a staff notation also referred to as common notation because of its widespread acceptance. Music is composed of the principles of hearing otherwise known as the aural phenomena. The pitch of a note determines how high or low the note sounds depending on the fundamental frequency of the note sound waves.

Clef Symbol

The clef is the first symbol that appears at the beginning of every music staff/stave. The clefs that are most commonly used at the treble(g-clef) and bass clef(f-clef). They are used to identify and define notes and their positioning on the staff/stave either on each line or space. The notes are arranged on the staff or stave with the letters in a processional sequence on the lines and spaces, and at the top of the music letter ‘’G’’, is followed by an ’’A’’.

Theory and Rudiment of Music

The bass clef symbol is illustrated after the letter ‘’F’’. Looking at the shape formed on the second line from the top, the one that crosses the middle of the bass clef symbols dot. The notes are also arranged in ascending order though in different positions from those of the treble clef.

Line notes on treble stave:

  • E G B D F

E   – Every

G  – Good

B  – Boy

D  – Deserves

F   – Favour / Fanta

  • F A C E





  •  G B D F A

G   – Good

B   –  Boys

D   – Deserve

F    – Favour

A   – Always

Good boys deserve favour always

  • A C E G

A   – All

C   – Cows

E   – Eat

G  – Grass

All cows eat grass

The shape of musical notes, their values and names

  1. Whole Note                             Semibreve
  2. Half Note1/2                           Minim
  3. Quarter Note ¼                      Crotchet
  4. Eight Note 1/8                        Quaver
  5. Sixteenth Note 1/16               Semi-quaver
  6. Thirty Second Note 1/32       Demi-semi-quaver
  7. Sixty-Fourth Note 1/64         Hemi-semi-quaver


In our next class, we will be talking about Introduction to Local Craft.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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