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In today’s Christain Religious Studies class, We will be learning about how Jonah Submitted to the will of God. We hope you enjoy the class!


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Jonah submit to the will of God (Jonah 1&2)

The book of Jonah provides a beautiful picture of a man who submits to the will of God after refusing at first. Jonah, a servant of God was sent to Nineveh the capital of Assyria to preach to the people so that they will turn from their evil ways and follow the way of the Lord. However, Jonah disobeyed God’s instruction and he tried to escape from the presence of God. However, the powerful hand of God caught up with Jonah despite his efforts to escape from the call of God. Jonah went to Joppa to board a ship from Tarshish. On the way, the Lord caused a great wind and there was a mighty tempest on the sea such that the ship was at the risk of breaking up. The Mariners were greatly afraid and each cried to his God for protection. They also threw some of their luggage into the sea to lighten the ship. Despite The tempest, Jonah was fast asleep. When they cast the lot they found out that Jonah was the cause of their ordeal.

The captain of the ship was concerned, so he woke Jonah up to encourage him to pray for them. Jonah knew he was the cause of the tempest, his disobedience was hunting him. He knew The tempest was from the Lord in order to dissuade him from his intention. John encouraged them to throw him into the sea.

As the tempest was so great the people had no option than to throw him into the sea as he suggested. immediately Jonah was thrown into the Sea The tempest stopped and a big fish came out and swallowed him. While in the belly of the fish Jonah cried to God for forgiveness. The Lord forgave him and ordered the fish to vomit Jonah out and Jonah was vomited out on dry ground near Nineveh.


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Lesson to learn

  1. People must subject themselves to the will of God because failing to do the will of God may attract many punishments to their life and eventually, they will still be forced to submit themselves to the will of God and in most cases, without reward this was the case with Jonah.
  2. God is Love and whoever that would serve the Lord must have the love of God in his or her mind. Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria to preach the message of repentance; he wanted God to destroy them because he felt they were enemies of the Jews. Children of God must not allow malice and bitterness and other fruit of the flesh to rule their life as this is not healthy to the life of the spirit.


Discuss Jonah found himself in the belly of the fish.



  1. What was Mariner’s response to Jonah after he confessed that he was the cause of their challenge?
  2. Discuss briefly how the love of God was shown in Jonah’s account.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about Joseph’s Reward for Obeying God. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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