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In today’s Computer Science class, We will be discussing Forms of Database. We hope you enjoy the class!


database csc classnotesng



There are various forms or ways by which a database can be set up. They include:

  1. Flat file database
  2. Relational database
  3. Hierarchical database
  4. Network database
  5. Operational database
  6. Distributed database
  7. End-user database


  • FLAT FILE DATABASE: This is the traditional data file storage system ideal for storing small amounts of data that needs to be humanly readable or edited by hand. They are called flat because they contain only one table. The disadvantage is that flat files can be corrupted easily.


  • RELATIONAL DATABASE: This is the most common of all the different types of database, files are organized in tables called relations. Each table has a key filed which is used to connect to other tables. Hence the tables are connected through several key fields.


  • HIERARCHICAL DATABASE: This form of databases has a tree-like structure. In this database, a single table acts as the root of the database from which other tables are connected. All windows operating system operates a tree-like database.



  1. Mention the forms of databases.
  2. Explain relational database


  • NETWORK DATABASE: This database was designed to solve some of the more serious problems with the hierarchical database model. Visually network database looks like a hierarchical database.


  • DISTRIBUTED DATABASE: This form of database is stored on different location connected by a client/server network. Data that is been stored are transmitted through a network. Each workgroup may have their own database and are connected through a network.



      1. Microsoft Access
      2. Microsoft SQL server
      3. Sybase
      4. FoxBASE
      5. Oracle


examples of databases csc classnotesng



  1. Write short notes on the distributed database and flat file database
  2. What is a database?
  3. What is a relational database?
  4. What differentiate relational database other forms of databases?





  1. Which of the database connects several tables? A. network database B. flat-file database C. relational database D distributed database
  2. Which of the databases is like tree structure? A. network database B. flat-file database C. relational database D. distributed database
  3. One of these applications is not a database application. A. oracle B. foxBASE     C. spreadsheet D. MS Access
  4. Which of the databases was designed to solve more problem? A. network database B. flat-file database C. relational database D. distributed database
  5. All but one is not among the types of database. A. network database B. flat-file database C. digital database D. distributed database



  1. Why is the relational database mostly used?
  2. Explain network database



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about SpreadSheets. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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