Worksheet: Starting Excel Worksheet, Formatting Worksheet


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In today’s Computer Science class, We will be discussing Worksheets. We hope you enjoy the class!




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Worksheet commonly refers to a sheet of paper with questions for students and places to record answers. The term may also refer to a single array of data in spreadsheet software or an informal piece of paper that an accountant uses to record information.

A worksheet or sheet is a single page in a file created with an electronic spreadsheet program such as Excel or Google Spreadsheets. A worksheet is used to store, manipulate, and display data. A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. By default, each Excel workbook contains three worksheets.

Each worksheet is composed of a very large number of cells – which are the basic storage unit for data in a file or workbook.

The cells are arranged in a grid pattern using rows and columns.

In Excel 2013:

  • there are 1,048,576 rows per worksheet;
  • there are 16,384 columns per worksheet;
  • by default, each new file contains only one worksheet;
  • the number of sheets per file is limited only by the amount of memory available on the computer.

* In earlier versions of Excel, the default number of worksheets per file was three.


For Google Spreadsheets:

  • there is a maximum of 256 columns per sheet;
  • the maximum number of cells for all worksheets in a file is 400,000;
  • the current default number of worksheets for new files is one;
  • there is a maximum of 200 worksheets per spreadsheet file.


Each worksheet also has a name. By default, the worksheets are named Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3 and so on.




Workbooks are file that can be created in excel. You can start workbook any time you want to create a new file for your excel data. Steps are

  1. Open a new workbook in Excel
  2. Point start on the screen of your monitor
  3. Click on all programs
  4. Point to Microsoft office tab
  5. Select Microsoft excel (this will take you to the excel environment)



Once Excel is open, you can enter data into a file by clicking on a particular cell, then typing

text, numbers, or formulas. Your changes will be entered into the current cell.

  • Press the tab to enter your data and move the active cell to the right of the current one.
  • Press enter key to enter your data and move the active cell to the next row, usually to the beginning of that row.
  • Use the arrow keys to enter your data and move the active cell in the indicated direction.
  • Press the end key, right-arrow key to move to the last cell in a row.



Locate the cell where you want to enter data on the worksheet and click on the cell. For example point and click on cell A1.

Type in your entry from the keyboard and notice the appearance of the entries in the formula bar with the cell address.

Press ‘Enter’ key.



  1. What are the steps involved in creating a Spreadsheet?
  2. Explain how to enter data into Excel.



Wrong entries may either be entirely re-typed or the particular cell/range of cells can be corrected.

To retype:

Move the cell pointer to the cell to be corrected or re-type the entry and press ‘Enter’

To correct only the mistake:

Move the cell pointer to the cell and double click on the cell.

Make the correction by inserting, deleting or retyping.

Press ‘Enter’.



Saving for the first time:

Click on ‘Home’ button,

Click ‘Save As’ button and wait for a dialog box to open.

Type in your desire filename (i.e. the name of the document).

Click the ‘Save’ button or press enter on the keyboard.

Saving while working (after the first saving).

Click on the ‘save’ icon on the Quick Access toolbar or click on ‘office button’ to open the menu. and click ‘save’ from the options.



Retrieving a worksheet means to open an already saved worksheet from its location in the computer. This is usually done to view, edit or update the worksheet.

Load/start Microsoft Excel

Click on ‘Office Button’

Click the ‘Open’ option from the list and wait for a dialog box to open.

Navigate to the file you want to open and double click on it.




  1. Define a cell.
  2. State steps involved in saving a worksheet for the first time.
  3. Highlight the steps in retrieving a saved document.



A Handbook on Computer Studies for Schools and Colleges by Niyi Adekolegan


  1. ___ is a collection of cells organized into rows and columns where data is stored and manipulated.              A. Worksheet B. Graph C. Workbook D. Active cell
  2. ___ is a space in a worksheet formed by the intersection of a row and a column. A. Workbook B. Sheet C. Cell D. Cell Reference.
  3. There are ……… rows per worksheet in Excel. A. 1,048,576 B. 1,048,765    C.1,408,576    D. 1,022,333
  4. There are ___ columns per worksheet in Excel. A. 16,387    B. 16,384     C. 16,684    D. 15,341
  5. The address of a cell is known as ___ A. Cell space B. Cell reference C. Cell Menu D. Active cell


  1. Highlight the steps in saving a worksheet
  2. In Excel, what do you understand by the term “retrieving”?



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will continue learning about Worksheets. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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1 thought on “Worksheet: Starting Excel Worksheet, Formatting Worksheet”

  1. Muhammad Saeed said

    The book I use has no this topic and I went to the class with out knowing what to teach the children I decided to Google it and I saw this interesting note thank so much I rate u 5 🌟

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