Capitalist Democracy


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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about Capitalist Democrazy. We hope you enjoy the class!


Democracy civic education classnotesng



Capitalism is an economic system whereby the major means of production and distribution in a state are owned and controlled by the individuals or the private sector. Democracy, on the other hand, is a system of government whereby all qualified adult citizens participate in the administration of the state either directly or through their elected representatives.


Direct democracy is a situation whereby all qualified adult citizens are physically present to get involved in decision making in the affairs of the state. Indirect democracy otherwise known as a representative democracy or modern democracy is a situation whereby all qualified adult citizens participate in the affairs of the state through representatives who are periodically elected by them.


Capitalist democracy, therefore, is the operation of the principles of representative democracy in a capitalist economic system.


types of democracy civic education classnotesng



  1. The supremacy of the Constitution: Under capitalist democracy, the constitution is the ultimate authority that determines what is acceptable and what is unlawful. Nobody or institution or group of people can act beyond the provisions of the constitution.
  2. Periodic Election: Capitalist democracy allows for periodic change of representatives through popular election. In Nigeria, elections are conducted every four years to select new and fresh leaders into various elective positions in the state.
  3. Respect for Fundamental Human Rights: Capitalist democracy makes provision to ensure that human rights are guaranteed. Infringement on human rights or abuse of human rights can lead to the punishment of the offender.
  4. Operation of Rule of Law: There is equality of persons under capitalist democracy. Everybody is equal and nobody is above the law. No matter the stature, education, position or possession of an individual he has the same rights as other people.
  5. Existence of Multiparty System: Capitalist democracy allows for the operation of more than two political parties in a state. This will allow the citizens to have alternatives to choose from while electing their representatives.
  6. Free Press: The press or media, both print and electronics are allowed to carry out its duty of information dissemination and constructive criticisms without government interference or intimidation.
  7. Separation of Power: Under capitalist democracy, there is a separation of governmental functions between the various organs of government i.e. legislature, executive and judiciary. They act separately but cooperatively in discharging their constitutional duties.
  8. Tolerance of Opposition: Constructive opposition and criticisms of government policies by the citizens or groups are allowed under democracy.
  9. Economic Freedom: Under capitalist democracy, the individuals have the right to spend their money as they like and can engage in any legal business without restriction. Their consumption is based on their financial capacity and the effects of demand and supply.



  1. Define democracy.
  2. Mention six characteristics of democracy.



  1. What is civic education?
  2. State five importance of civic education.
  3. Define judiciary.
  4. State five functions of modern judiciary in a state.
  5. List five factors that can promote tradition and customs in society.



Capitalist Democracy – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 14-19.



  1. List six features of democracy.
  2. Outline five challenges of democracy in Nigeria.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about Political Parties. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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3 thoughts on “Capitalist Democracy”

    1. Temiloluwa beauty

      Yes, there are several subtopics related to capitalist democracy that you might find interesting. Some of these include:

      1. Economic Inequality: The relationship between capitalism and the growing disparity in wealth and income distribution.
      2. Political Participation: How capitalist structures influence voter engagement and participation in democratic processes.
      3. Globalization: The impact of global capitalism on national democracies and local economies.
      4. Regulation and Deregulation: The role of government in regulating capitalist markets and the effects on democracy.
      5. Social Justice Movements: How movements for social justice intersect with capitalist democracy and challenge existing power structures.

      These subtopics can provide a deeper understanding of the complexities within capitalist democracies.

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