Political Apathy


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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about Political Apathy. We hope you enjoy the class!


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Political apathy is the lukewarm attitude or a total refusal of citizens to participate in the political activities of the state. They are unwilling neither are they interested in public activities such as voting.



  1. Refusal to vote during elections.
  2. Unwillingness to join a political party.
  3. Refusal to register to vote during elections.
  4. Unwillingness to fight against electoral malpractices.
  5. Refusal to attend public protests/demonstrations.
  6. Refusal to attend political rallies and campaigns.



Citizens refuse to participate in political activities for the following reasons.

  1. Political Violence during Election: Most elections in Nigeria are characterized by all manner of violence, killings and maiming. This has discouraged many people from active involvement in political activities.
  2. Election Rigging: Many people are of the opinion that their vote will not count due to the manipulation of election figures and result. Hence, they stay aloof.
  3. Unfulfilled Political Promises: Political parties and government agents make political promises that are never fulfilled when they get into office. This has contributed to people’s refusal to get involved in political activities.
  4. Insecurity During Elections: Many potential electorates stay at home during voting exercise because they are not sure of the safety of their lives.
  5. Bad Governance: The general attitude of the government towards the masses has discouraged many people from participating in political affairs. Government agents live in affluence while the people that voted them into office live in abject poverty.
  6. Unhealthy Rivalry between Political Parties: Members of different political parties see themselves as enemies because of their selfish interest to gain political power. They can go as far as eliminating their opponents by all means in order to win the election. Hence, responsible people are discouraged from politics.
  7. Illiteracy: Most people are not politically educated. They lack the necessary skills and adequate knowledge to engage in political activities.



  1. Define political apathy.
  2. Mention six reasons for political apathy.



  1. The body responsible for the conduct of elections should be independent and impartial in the conduct and discharge of its electoral duties.
  2. The government should ensure they fulfil their political promises to the people.
  3. Adequate security should be provided during elections.
  4. Violent campaigns should be avoided during elections and campaigns.
  5. People should be well educated about the political activities of their country and how they can be involved.
  6. Party faithful should stop seeing their political opponents as enemies.
  7. The government should be responsible and accountable to the people.



This is the process of calling back or removing of an elected representative from office by the electorates before the expiration of his/her tenure due to poor representation. Recall becomes necessary when the representative is performing below expectation or pursuing personal interest rather than the interest of the people. The concept of recall is only applicable to members of the legislature. Presidents and governors are removed from office before their time through a process called impeachment.

If a constituency succeeds in recalling its representative from the legislative chambers, a by-election would have to be conducted to fill the vacant position.




  1. Mention six ways to reduce political apathy in society.
  2. Define recall.



  1. Define national consciousness.
  2. State four ways of promoting national consciousness.
  3. Who is a citizen?
  4. Mention four duties of a citizen.
  5. How can the rights of citizens be restricted?



Political Apathy – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2. Sola Akinyemi, Pages 27-32.



  1. Explain six reasons for political apathy.
  2. Explain the concept of ‘Recall’.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about Why Leaders Fail to Protect the Interest of their Followers. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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6 thoughts on “Political Apathy”

    1. Political apathy refers to a lack of interest or indifference towards politics and political activities.

      This can manifest in various ways, such as refusing to vote, not joining a political party, or showing no interest in public affairs like elections, protests, or rallies.

      In essence, people with political apathy tend to feel disconnected from the political process and may believe that their participation won’t make a difference. This attitude can be influenced by factors like election rigging, unfulfilled political promises, insecurity during elections, bad governance, and unhealthy rivalry between political parties ¹.

      It’s worth noting that political apathy can have significant consequences, including low voter turnout, disengagement from the democratic process, and a sense of powerlessness among citizens.

      To address this issue, it’s essential to promote civic education, ensure free and fair elections, and encourage active participation in the political process.

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