Traffic Regulations


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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about Traffic Regulations. We hope you enjoy the class!


trafiic rules civic edu classnotesng


Traffic regulations are the various laws, regulations and signs guiding the road users on the proper and effective use of roads. The road users include motorist, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and passengers.



PEDESTRIANS: The pedestrians refer to persons on foot who have a need to either walk beside the road, cross the road or engage with other road users.


  1. Always walk on the side of the road.
  2. Ensure you are walking to face oncoming traffic.
  3. If you are walking in the dark, wear bright or reflective colour of clothes such as white, green so that you will be easily seen by motorists.
  4. Look left and right of the road and left again before crossing the road.
  5. Use the pedestrian bridge and zebra crossing where they are available.
  6. Observe road signs.
  7. Respect the rights of other road users.


CYCLISTS: Cyclists refers to road users who engage in the use of the road by riding either in motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, etc.


  1. If you are riding a cycle, ensure it is in good condition; check the brakes, tyres, lamps and rear reflectors.
  2. Take a quick look behind you before starting off and if you wish to turn, hold out your arm sideways, showing the direction you wish to turn to.
  3. Do not ride too close to moving vehicles.
  4. Do not wear flowing garments to ride a motorcycle or a bicycle.
  5. Ensure you put on a helmet.
  6. Do not carry more than one passenger on your motorcycle.
  7. Do not carry loads that are too heavy in order to ensure balance.
  8. Respect road signs.
  9. Do not drink and ride.
  10. Respect the right of other road users.
  11. Obey traffic warders.


road-safety-tips cycling classnotesng


MOTORISTS: This comprises of vehicle users (drivers). It includes car drivers, bus drivers, trailer drivers, truck drivers, etc.



  1. Obtain a valid drivers’ license before you drive any vehicle.
  2. Every morning before driving your car out, check the condition of the car and ensure it is in a good state.
  3. Obey speed limits and traffic lights.
  4. Do not drink and drive.
  5. Do not overload your vehicle.
  6. Do not drive a vehicle with a damaged windscreen.
  7. Always use your seat belt while driving.
  8. Do not engage in distractive activity while driving.
  9. Obey traffic rules and regulations as well as road signals.
  10. Respect the rights of other road users.


Traffic Regulation



  1. What is traffic regulation?
  2. State some of the rules on the uses of roads by cyclists.



  1. What is political apathy?
  2. What are the reasons for political apathy?
  3. What is a political party?
  4. Mention four ways leaders emerge in society.
  5. What is primary election?



Traffic Regulation: Fundamentals of civic education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 89-99



  1. What are Road signs? Explain the types of road signs.
  2. Outline five ways road accidents can be reduced if not totally eradicated




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about Ways of Reducing Accidents. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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