State of Emergency


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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about “State of Emergency”. We hope you enjoy the class!


state-of-emergency- civic edu classnotesng


A State of emergency can be defined as urgent situations that require the suspension of the constitution in order to restore law and order. During periods of emergency government institutions such as the legislature, executive and judiciary may not be able to carry out their regular functions and citizens may be restricted of their human rights until the emergency is lifted.



  1. Partial or temporal suspension of the constitution.
  2. The principles of rule of law may be ignored.
  3. Movement may be restricted to certain areas or hours of the day.
  4. Some arrests can be carried out without any warrant.
  5. There may be a restriction of freedom of expression and the press.
  6. Human rights may be violated for the interest of security.
  7. It can lead to the involvement of the military in politics.



  1. What do you understand by emergency?
  2. Mention five things that can happen during periods of emergency.



  1. Respect for Constitution: In a society where people have respect for the constitution and laws of the land there will be a reduction in emergency cases.
  2. Promotion of Human Rights: Respect for human rights in conduct and relationship with other people will reduce emergency cases in society.
  3. Good Government: A situation where the government is responsive and responsible to the people there may not be any need for an emergency.
  4. Socio-Economic Development: The provision of basic infrastructure can reduce the causes of emergency. Where there is socio-economic development people are able to live in harmony with one another thereby promoting peace and orderliness.
  5. Public Enlightenment: People should be educated on the need to promote the social wellbeing of the society. They should be taught their civic responsibilities to the government and society at large.
  6. Respect for Democratic Principles: A state where people have respect for democratic principles such as rule of law, popular participation and fundamental rights there will reduction of emergency cases.



  1. Mention five ways to reduce emergency in a state.
  2. How can constitutionalism reduce cases of emergency?



  1. Define popular participation.
  2. State five factor that can promote popular participation.
  3. What is democracy?
  4. Differentiate between direct and indirect democracy
  5. List five features of democracy



Emergency: Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 46-49



  1. Explain four effects of emergency in a state.
  2. List five possible causes of emergency in a state.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about Drug Use and Abuse. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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