Prevention of drug abuse


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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about Prevention of Drug Abuse. We hope you enjoy the class!





It will be difficult to completely eradicated drug abuse in Nigeria. However, some measures can help to reduce the rate and dangers of drug abuse in our society. Below are some of the suggested remedies to the prevention of abuse of drugs.


  1. Parental Intervention: Parents can begin to serve as good role models and mentors for their children to emulate. Parental education of children about the dangers of drug abuse will go a long way to reduce the rate of drug abuse in society.
  2. Public Enlightenment Campaign and Seminars: There should be regular campaign programmes and seminars where the public can be educated on the dangers of drug abuse to the individual, family and society at large.
  3. Religious Intervention: Our religious bodies should sensitize their followers of the negative effects of drug abuse. The campaign should be emphasized in their various gatherings until there is a positive response.
  4. Media Campaign: The existing media in the country should promote programmes that would prevent the youths from going into the illegal use of drugs. If the print and electronic media can engage in this kind of campaign it will help to reduce drug abuse in society.
  5. Sales should be done by professionals: The sales and management of drugs should be done by qualified professionals such as pharmacists and doctors. People without expertise should not be allowed to transact in drugs.
  6. Adequate Punishment for Offenders: There should be strict laws and adequate punishment for those who deal in drugs illegally.
  7. School Intervention: Drug abuse, its negative effects and consequences should be made part of our school curriculum. Students should be taught how to live responsibly in society without depending on drugs.
  8. Provision of Employment: Some people are involved in the abuse of drugs as a result of poverty and joblessness. When such people are engaged in productive venture it will reduce their dependence on drugs.
  9. Effective Drug Law Enforcement Agencies: The existing agencies in charge of drug law enforcement in Nigeria should be well equipped in order to enable them to carry out their responsibilities effectively.



  1. Mention any three ways the individual can assist in the prevention of drug abuse in Nigeria.
  2. List three things that can help to prevent drug abuse in our society.



The promulgation of drug laws in Nigeria is one of the ways the Nigerian government has been responding to the prevention of drug abuse in the country. Examples of such laws are:

  1. Indian hemp decree (1966) – According to this decree, any person who engages in the cultivation or exportation of cannabis will face 21 years imprisonment. Those who only export will risk 10 years imprisonment and 5 years imprisonment if found to possess smoking utensils.
  2. Indian hemp decree (amendment) 1984 – This Amendment Act provides for 21 years imprisonment for sales and trafficking while 4 or more years for smoking and possession.
  3. Tobacco smoking decree (1990) – This law prohibits smoking of tobacco in public places. It also made it compulsory for tobacco advertisers to put warnings on them e.g. smokers are liable to die young.



  1. Mention two drug laws you know.
  2. What is the importance of drug laws?



  1. Define human right?
  2. List any ten rights citizens can enjoy in a state?
  3. What is drug abuse?
  4. Explain five consequences of drug abuse.
  5. What are the benefits of responsible parenthood?



Prevention of Drug Abuse: Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 68-75.





  1. Explain five ways drug abuse can be prevented in Nigeria.
  2. State three importance of laws in the fight against drug abuse.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about the Activities of Drug Law Enforcement Agencies. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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