Processes Involved in Making Compost


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the processes involved in making compost. Enjoy the class!

Compost making

Compost making

Like we learnt in the last, compost comprises decaying plants and animals and animal dung or wastes. Compost helps to maintain soil fertility and hence the soil has enough nutrients to support the crops that grow on them. This eventually leads to the harvesting of healthy bountiful crops. Compost is also called manure.


  1. Look at the diagram below and identify which plant is healthy and which is not.

  1. How do you determine that a plant is healthy or unhealthy?

Ways of making compost

There are two methods of making composts: they are

  1. Pit method
  2. Heap method

Processes involved in making compost

  1. Pit method:
  • Dig four pits (A, B, C and D) of equal sizes
  • Empty the compost materials into pit A, the materials should be arranged in layers and wet with water
  • After two weeks, move the content in pit A into pit B. this is called the first turn.
  • After two weeks, move the content in pit B to pit C. (second turn)
  • Finally, move the content in pit C to pit D. (third turn)
  • The content in pit D is referred to as compost/manure. This is achieved after 6 – 8 weeks.
  1. Heap method:

In this method, compost is prepared by placing the compost Materials in a heap, buried with soil, and Moistened with water. It is left in that state for a while for about 5-8 weeks. The moistening helps to quicken the decaying process of the compost materials.

General evaluation
  1. What is compost?
  2. Mention two methods of making compost
  3. List the materials needed for making compost,

Weekend assignment

  1. Compost comprises ——- and ——–
  2. Compost is also called ——– a) heap    b) fertilizer    c) manure
  3. Compost helps to maintain soil ——- a) Type    b) Fertility    c) colour.
  4. In the pit method of making compost, how many pits are needed?


  1. Describe the pit method of making compost.


In our next class, we will be talking about Why Farm Produce Should Be Processed.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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