Ways of reducing accident


Welcome to Class !!

We are eager to have you join us !!

In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about Ways of Reducing Accidents. We hope you enjoy the class!


road accident first aid phe classnotesng


Accidents are sudden occurrences that distort the proper functioning of a procedure, event or exercise. Road accidents are unexpected occurrences on the road that comes from a failure to adhere to traffic regulation. It could lead to traffic congestion, car damages, bruises or death of the victim.

The rate of accidents on the roads can be reduced through the following ways.

  1. Vehicles that are not in good working condition should not be allowed to ply the roads.
  2. Drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol should not drive.
  3. Traffic rules should be well observed and obeyed.
  4. Road signs should be displayed at strategic locations where they can be seen.
  5. Enlightenment campaign should be carried out regularly to educate road users on the best use of roads.
  6. Law enforcement agencies on the use of roads should be well equipped to carry out their duties.
  7. There should be regular repairs and maintenance of roads.
  8. There should strict punishment of traffic law offenders.



The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) was established in 1988 to ensure safety and sanity in Nigerian roads. Over the years this commission has contributed immensely to the reduction of road accidents in Nigeria.


  1. To ensure the safety of road users in Nigerian roads.
  2. To maintain and enforce traffic regulations in Nigeria.
  3. To assist to ascertain the roadworthiness of vehicles.
  4. Issuance of drivers’ license to qualified persons.
  5. Research into the causes of accidents and how to prevent reoccurrence.
  6. Arrest and prosecution of traffic laws offenders.
  7. Assistance in the rescue of accident victims on the roads.
  8. Education and enlightenment of the public on the best use of roads.
  9. To ensure that roads are traffic-free for users.
  10. To work with other related agencies for effective use of roads.



  1. What is a road accident?
  2. Mention five ways road accidents can be avoided.



  1. What is community service?
  2. Mention some examples of community service
  3. Explain the features of democracy
  4. Define the rule of law
  5. How can the rule of law be encouraged?



Traffic Regulation: Fundamentals of civic education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 89-99




  1. Describe any four challenges of FRSC.
  2. List four measures that can help to reduce accidents on Nigerian roads.




We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about The Roles of Individuals and Government in Maintaining Traffic Regulations. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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