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In today’s Civic Education class, We will be learning about Why Leaders Fail to Protect the Interest of their Followers. We hope you enjoy the class!
Leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers for some of the following reasons:
- Party Interest: Leaders fail to protect their followers’ interest because of the pressure from party leaders and members. They are put under intense pressure to satisfy the needs of their party members or otherwise they frustrate them out of office.
- Godfatherism: Most leaders emerge based on the financial support from their godfathers. They sometimes enter into an agreement to keep servicing their godfathers until they leave office. The money met for public projects are diverted to settle these political godfathers.
- Selfishness:Leaders may fail to protect the interest of their followers because of selfish motives. They are greedy and want to satisfy their personal interest without responding to the yearnings of their followers.
- High cost of Electioneering Campaign: The cost of canvassing for vote is high. The fee for collection of nomination form is expensive. Printing of posters, handbills and advertisement on radio and television is money consuming. The leader would want to recoup the money spent during election before thinking about the followers.
- Poor Financial Attitude of the Electorates: Many voters collect money from candidates by selling out their votes. When the candidate eventually emerge as leader he assume that the people have already been settled by the money they collected from him during election.
- Manipulation of Election Result by Leaders: Leaders who emerge as a result of election rigging may not protect the interest of their followers because they did not get to office through the votes of the electorates.
The following measures will help to reduce the neglect of followers by their leaders in the community.
- Voting should be done based on personal conviction and not monetary gains.
- A non-performing representative should be recalled.
- There should be promotion of transparency, probity and accountability at all levels in the conduct of government business.
- The cost of nomination forms should be reduced and made affordable.
- Public offices should be made less attractive, allowances and salaries should be reduced. This will enable people who have the interest of the masses to seek for public position.
- Mention five reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers.
- List five ways to reduce leaders’ poor attitude towards their followers.
- List the three organs of government.
- What is the full meaning of UDHR?
- Outline the seven core freedom in UDHR.
- Define citizenship.
- List four ways of citizenship acquisition.
Why Leaders Fail to Protect the Interest of their Followers – Fundamentals of Civic Education for SS Book 2, Sola Akinyemi, Pages 33-34.
- Outline six qualities of a good leader.
- State five ways to control selfish leaders in a state.
We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
We have come to the end of this term. It’s been a remarkable journey and we are glad that you have made it this far. For making it this far, we commend you for being resilient, you have taken charge of your education and future.
The Journey still continues though, we are moving on to Second Term. we hope to meet you there.
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Thanks this really helped me out
Godfatherism: the tendency to please or pay back political God fathers at the extence of people is obvious this is one of the reasons why political leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers since promises and agreement with their political God fathers
Money bag: most politicians borrow money from Banks to protest the tendency to please or pay back money to the bank at the extence of people is obvious this is one of the reasons why political leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers since promises and agreement with the bank they will be unable to do anything with government funds
Nice this really help me out.
Nice this really help me out.
I love this page.
This page is helpful
This page is helpful
thanks for the update it really help me out 🙏🙏
Answers please
Nice page
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