Farmers’ Enemies: Methods Of Controlling Rodents, Birds And Crabs I




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In today’s class, we will be talking about methods controlling Rodents, Birds and Crabs. Enjoy the class!

There are many ways of controlling rodents, birds and crabs and preventing them from destroying our farms, crops or animals. Some of these methods include the following:

  1. Shooting: We can control birds and rodents by shooting them with a shotgun or catapult; when we do this we injure or even kill them.
  2. Setting Of Trap or Trapping: We can also control bir and rodents by setting traps for them on the farm. When they come to feed and destroy our crops, they enter into the traps and get caught. There are different types of traps that can be used for birds and rodents. They are:
  3. Cage trap
  4. Pointed teeth trap
  5. Net trap


  1. Scare-Crow: We can use scarecrows to control birds and rodents. Scarecrows are images of humans that we make on the farm, when a bird or rodent sees this image, it will think that the farmer is still in the farm and it will fly or run away.


  1. Use Of Empty Milk Tins: To control using this method,empty milk tins are tied together with a rope while the rope is tied to a tree at both ends. When the wind blows, the empty tins make some noise which scare the rodents away from the farm.
  2. Poisoning: Birds and rodents can also be scared away from the farm by puting poisoned foods around the farm area, some will eat and die and this will scare the others away.
  3. Proper Storage: We should also store our farm crops very well so that birds and rodents will not get to them. We must also harvest our crops on time and properly clean the store before we keep our farm produce in them.
  4. Hand Picking: We can control crabs by picking them with our hands and destroying them.


  1. Mention five ways of controlling rodents, birds and crabs
  2. List three types of trap.
  3. The method of controlling rodents and birds with a shotgun is called ———  a) Trapping b) scarecrow.   c) shooting’

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