Identification and Use of Regular Pronouns in Sentences

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What is a Sentence?

A sentence starts with capital Letter, ends with full stop, exclamation or question mark.

For instance,

  1. My name is Terry.
  2. They are all students.
  3. Do you like roses?
  4. The bus is moving.
  5. Schools are on vacation.

When sentence made is about one person, place or thing, there will be singular nouns.


The cat is on the table.    

The cat is a singular noun because it is only one cat.

This is a dog.

Bring the ruler here.

Plural Nouns.

Plural nouns are used when sentence made is about two or more people, places, or things.

For Example;

The cats are on the table

Dogs are cute.

Bring those rulers here.


Singular Nouns
Plural Nouns
Boy Boys  
Girl Girls 
House Houses 
Table Tables 
Plate  Plates  



Underline the plural nouns in the sentences below.

  1. The buses are at the park
  2. Where are my keys?
  3. Tina caught the rats.
  4. How many houses are on that street?
  5. Alfred bought some eggs on his way home.



Reading Simple Passages on Illness and Answering Factual Questions on the Passage.

I am not feeling very well.

The day before yesterday, Lola went to school. She was ill. She was tired and hot.

Her teacher asked, “What is the matter, Lol?”        

“I have a headache,” Lola said.

“Go to the sick bay. The nurse will look after you,” her teacher said.

Yesterday, Lola was still ill. She was in bed. She was not better. Her mother asked her, “What is the matter?”

“I am hot and I still have a headache,” Lola said.

“This tablet is for your headache. I think you have a fever,” Mother told her. “Tomorrow, we will see the doctor.”

Today, Lola is at the clinic. She is with the doctor.

 “Hello, Lola. My name is Doctor Ibeneme. What is the matter?

“I am not feeling very well,” Lola tells the doctor. “I have a headache and a fever.”

“I see. I will give you some medicine. Take this medicine every day. You will soon be better. Come back to see me next week.”

Vocabulary Development

Now, let us find out the meaning of the emboldened words in our passage about illness.

  • Ill: to be sick or to feel unwell
  • Tired: in need of sleep or rest
  • Tablet: a small disc or cylinder of a compressed solid substance, typically a measured amount of a medicine or drug.
  • Doctor: a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill
  • Medicine: a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease.

Comprehension Questions.

  1. When did Lola go to school?
  2. What was the matter with Lola?
  3. Where did the teacher send Lola?
  4. Was Lola better yesterday?
  5. What was the matter with her?
  6. What is the doctor’s name?
  7. What did the doctor give Lola?
  8. What do you do when you are ill?

Trust you enjoyed the class. See you soon.

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