Uses Of Farm Animals

Welcome to class.

In the previous lessons, we learnt about farm animals and their classification based on three different categories. In this lesson today we will learn about the uses of farm animals.

Farm animals are useful in various ways, they include:

  1. They are sources of food. They provide foods like meat, milk, egg etc
  2. Source of clothing and other raw materials. Hides and skin are used for leather in making belt, bags etc
  3. Source of manure: droppings of poultry and pig are used in farms to make soil fertile

4. Source of foreign exchange earning: some farm animal products are exported to other countries for money.

5. Medicine: Farm animals provide materials for making medicine to cure some human and livestock diseases.

6. Security: some farm animals are used by humans to protect their properties against thieves.

7. As a source of Income:Farm animal rearing gives a greater and quicker return on investment. Also income from the sales of farm animals and their by- products


we have come to the end of the class. If you have any questions ask using the comment box. Thank you for your time.

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