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In today’s class, we will be talking about colours. Enjoy the class!
There are many objects around us. These objects differ from one another in many ways including their colour. Colour helps us to differentiate and classify objects. In today’s lesson. We will be looking at various colours of the rainbow, primary and secondary colours,
Definition of concept
The colour of something is the appearance that it has as a result of how it reflects light. White light is made up of different coloured light. You can see these colours when white light travels through a prism. The colour of an object depends on the colour of light it reflects.
White light, which is light from the sun, is made up of several colours: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET. These colours can be represented by the acronym ROYGBIV. They make up the colour of the rainbow.
- What is a white light?
- How many colours make up white light?
- List the colours that make up white light.
Primary and secondary colours
There are two classes of light that we would look at today. They are Primary colours and Secondary colours.
The primary colour is a colour that cannot be made by mixing other colours. They are RED, BLUE, YELLOW. These colours can be combined or mixed to give other colours.
On the other hand, a secondary colour is a colour made by mixing two primary colours in a given time.
- What are primary and secondary colours?
- Using your crayon, mix a yellow and blue colour, what do you observe?
Producing new colours
Like it has been mentioned above, primary colours can be mixed to produce secondary colours
- Yellow + Red = Orange
- Red + Blue = Purple
- Blue + Yellow = Green
- Primary colours are ——- , ———– , and ———
- When primary colours are mixed, they produce ————- colours
- When you mix Red and Blue colour the result will be ————
- List five instruments or tools that can be used to take readings or measurement.
In our next class, we will be talking about Measurement. We hope you enjoyed the class.
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
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