Arrangement of fullness


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In today’s Home Economics class, We will be discussing the Arrangement of Fullness. We hope you enjoy the class!


sewing tools



  • Meaning of arrangement of fullness
  • Types of fullness in garments



Fullness in clothing construction means the provision of extra allowance in the garment. One of the first things to be done in making up a garment is to arrange the fullness.  Fullness can be introduced in a garment by the following processes: gathers, darts, tucks and pleats.



fabric gathering home econs classnotes

Gathers are small, soft folds made in garments. Gathering is one of the easiest and best ways of controlling fullness. It may be worked by hand or machine. Gathers are commonly used in:

  • Children’s clothes
  • Making lightweight skirts, etc.


The effectiveness of gathers depends on the following:

  1. Choosing fine and soft material to gather e.g. cotton, silks rayon and fine wool.
  2. Having the right quantity of material to gather up.
  3. Setting in the gathers very evenly.

gathered fabric home econs classnotesng


  1. Allow up to twice the width of the material for gathering as required for finished width.
  2. Thread the needle and hold the fabric in place.
  3. Start with a backstitch and make the first row of running stitch above the stitching lines.
  4. Make a second roll of running stitches below the stitching line. The first gathering stitches will be the same as the second gathering stitches.
  5. Pull both lines of gathering stitches up together to the required length and fasten off.
  6. The gathered material ready for sewing.



This is produced with several rows of gatherings. It may be decorated with smocking or other embroidery patterns.

fabric shirring home econs classnotesng



  1. What is fullness in clothing construction?
  2. State two uses of gathers.


darts fabric home econs classnotesng


Darts are small tapered folds of fabric. They are stitched on the wrong side of a garment section. Darts can be Straight, curved or double-pointed.

Darts are used to:

  • Control fullness
  • Turn fabric into shapes to fit the human figure
  • Give a good fitting and shape to the finished garment.

How to make a dart

  1. Mark pattern lines for darts with a tailor’s chalk or tailor’s tack.
  2. Fold the material from the wrong side along the pattern lines.
  3. Pin and tack the dart on the pattern lines.
  4. Stitch from the broad end towards the narrow point bringing the stitching right to the fold.
  5. Knot the end of threads together at the narrow point.
  6. Press the dart to one side of the stitching. If the material is too fat to lie really flat, cut the fold.
  7. Open the turnings.
  8. Neaten the edges with blanket stitches.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Tucks. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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